Chapter 25: Flash Back - Training with the Court

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Chapter 25: Flash Back- Training with the Court

Sky P.O.V

"Dick, what is the human shaped throwing board for?" I asked with slight fear in my voice.

"Don't you remember? The knife throwers would use the human cut-out instead of a person, so if they missed the actual target they wouldn't hurt anyone."


"You alright sis, you look pale?"

"Yea I'm... uughh" I blacked out.


"Shoot the gun Renegade, NOW!" Henry yelled at me. He had been trying to get me to shoot the target for 10 minutes already.

I shook my head once again. The hand gun was in my hand hanging by my side.

"It's been a week and I've had enough of this. Shoot the dam gun, NOW!"

Slowly, I raised the gun with my right hand - because my Left one had been fractured yesterday from me not shooting the target. - and aimed at the target.

'It's only a target Alex, it's not real.'

"Pull the trigger Apprentice."

* Bang, bang, bang, bang. *

I shot the gun 4 times in rapid succession.

1 bullet through the Head.

1 through the Throat.

2 through the Heart.

"Well done Renegade." My master said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm impressed. You have potential, so I ask, why do you hide it?"

I looked down to the floor and dropped the gun with a clatter.

"No matter, now that I know what you are capable of, we will push your limits. You will become the perfect soldier." Henry looked at his watch. "We made good progress today Renegade. Time for lunch, come."

~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP - 3 WEEKS~~~~~~~~

"Liam Milford has planned a public speech tomorrow, he plans to revel and expose of us. We cannot let that happen. Your job is to assassinate the traitor before the information goes public. You will show no mercy and will not hesitate when the time comes. Understood?"

I bowed my head as to say 'Yes Master.'

"Good. Go to your room and prepare yourself - we leave tomorrow morning."

'This will be my first kill. I don't think I can do it, I've never killed before cause Death Stroke didn't get me to, he said I needed more time. But now...' I let my thoughts wonder as I made my way to my room to prep for the mission.

'I don't want to kill this man but it's my only choice. The court won't kill me, so disobedience isn't an option to get out. They'll just punish me until I do what they say.'

~~~~~~~~THE NEXT

"Are you ready Renegade?" Henry asked standing at the door.

I walked up to him with everything that I needed as if saying, 'Ready.'

~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~

"Take the shot Renegade. It's just like training. Shoot him, NOW!" My master whispers as my target starts to walk onto the stage.

'I'm so confused. I know that my parents wouldn't have wanted me to do this, but their gone, they abandoned me. And now my Master is all I have left, so I must please him. I just don't want to kill someone because once I do there is no going back.'

"Kill him Renegade."

'I know I shouldn't but no-one's here to tell me not to, I'm just misled in what I should do.'

"Take your aim Apprentice."

'I'm only 6, I can't handle this.' My arm had taken aim.

"Take your shot child, Now."

'Please someone, I'm so confused, just tell me what to do. Please. Tell me what to do.'

"Shoot him Renegade!"


'I shot him 4 times. I asked for someone to tell me what to do, and they did, so I listened and complied. The victim had 4 bullets go through him.

1 bullet through the Head.

1 through the Throat.

2 through the Heart.

The trip back to HQ was a blur. My Master lead me down hallways and stopped at my room.

"Clean up and meet me in the mat room in 20 minutes."

I took a shower and got into a fresh uniform, stretched and then left for the 'mat' room - a room covered in matts, floor, wall, roof everything. - Master was waiting for me.

I entered the room and bowed to him. Master beckoned me over to him. I obeyed.

I walked up to my master. "I'm proud of you Alex. The Masters said that you wouldn't be able to succeed and that I would have to finish the job, but I guess you proved them wrong. Come, the court wants to talk."

Henry led me to the main room, where only a few 'Owls' were seated. After I bowed in respect, I kinda zoned out my master was reporting on the mission and I really didn't care.

My vision started to blur as the room span with colour. Voices were slurred and my vision wasn't working. I was being shaken. I started hearing a voice, though I couldn't quite place where from, calling a name. My name...

Dick P.O.V

"Sky, Skyla, wake up." I was shaking my sister because she had been on the floor now for 10 minutes.

Suddenly, Sky shot up like a bullet. Her eyes were glassed over so I couldn't read her emotions.

"Sky? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked my sister gently.

The only response I got was Skyla hugging me as if her life depended on it. Which I didn't mind at all. I picked her up and walked away from the knife throwing area and sat down against a tree, waiting of my little Phantom to calm down.

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