Chapter 39 -Where It All Went Wrong

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Chapter 39 – Where It All Went Wrong

7 Months Later. Time: 03:27 Hundred Hours. Date: Sunday 13|07|2008


Skye never spoke about what happened with Deathstroke that night. She seemed different; it had obviously affected her, but Skye never brought it up. Life in Wayne manor continued on as if nothing had ever happened. Thalia still came to visit once a month, Skyla had even started at school.

So, when Bruce didn't hear from his children for six days, he feared that maybe Deathstroke had been involved. But his fears were proved incorrect when Thalia informed him that Wilson had taken a four-month-long contract in Russia, and therefore was nowhere Dick or Skye.

Yet how it had all go so wrong, Bruce could only wonder. It had been 7 months after Skye's first gala. And in the month most recent to have passed, the young girl had become more open and comfortable around her new family.

It was just a simple recon mission. Skye and Dick going undercover as street kids to find out about the children who have been going mission off the streets. There had been no police reports because all the kids who had been taken lived on the streets.

One month. His children had been on their own for one month. Although he checked on them via com and tracker, Bruce still couldn't help the nagging worry that his children were in imminent danger.

Where were they? Bruce guessed that they had reached the objective of their mission; finding out where the children were going. But that's what worried him. His children had informed him that they had joined a small gang of runaways, and Bruce guessed that the entire gang had been picked up off the streets and taken away.

His Children.

Bruce smiled at the memory. Three months ago, Bruce had officially adopted both Skye and Dick. Both now legally known as Richard Tidal Jonathan Thomas Gray Wayne and Skylaina Oceania Mary Martha Gray Wayne. Long names, yes. But Dick and Skye had been adamant keen about keeping their long names in honour of their heritage, as well as adding Bruce's parents' names; along with his last name.

The children who bore his name.

Bruce remembered that day so clearly.

3 Months Earlier.


Bruce quickly put down the documents that he was reading when he heard Dick and Skye walking towards the kitchen after school, still in their uniforms, animatedly talking in Romanian about some idea for their robotics class.

"... și apoi putem face ca țintă să fie pusă în foc!"

"Apoi, ia-l pe celălalt să-l scoată afară - asigurându-vă că înmuiați toată lumea în acest proces!"

"And why, may I ask," intermittent Bruce, picking up Skye by the waist and plopping her on the kitchen counter, "do you want to soak your entire class?"

"Because it would be really funny to see Mr Hughes soaked in water."

"And, if we get in trouble, we can just say that it was a safety precaution in case somebody caught on fire," finished Skye innocently, with a sly smirk on her face.

"See – foolproof!" declared Dick happily.

"Hmm... Maybe," said Bruce, "but if I get a call telling me that my kids have set the school on fire, you might find that Batman had an emergency on the other side of the universe."

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