Chapter 22 - Part 1 - Relics of the Past.

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Chapter 22 - the Asterous 5 - Part 1 - Relics of the Past

Dedicated to Highwaytohell2018 and Erin144000

Dick's P.O.V - the next day

I woke up to Sky staring at me while sitting on me. We were in Bruce's bed; after the whole nightmare fiasco I think Bruce wanted to keep us close to him.

When I looked back up at my little sister, I saw the all too familiar grin with twinkling eyes that she has every-time she is planning a prank or something.

"What? What are you thinking?" Sky didn't say anything but her eyes darted to Bruce and back twice, I got the message. So, very carefully, I stood up with Sky next to me and looked at her.

"Ready Phantom?"

"Mission plan 'attack and run' is ready Phoenix."

We both belly-flopped onto our foster father, immediately waking him up.

"Time to go Captain Phantom." I yelled as I rolled off the bed with Sky right behind me.

"Copy that, commander Phoenix!" My sister said between fits of laughter as we bolted down the hallways towards the kitchen.

5 minutes later, Bruce walked in - fully dressed - Smiling as he noticed Sky trying to see over the counter. Bruce walked over, picked her up and placed her on the counter - which was quiet funny considering Sky only came up to Bruce's hip - then he lifted me up and placed me next to my sister.

"Hey, put me down! I'm not that small." I complained, though I secretly love it when Bruce picks me up.

"Dick, you come up to my waist. You are that short. Anyways, why did you wake me up at 4:30? It's Saturday!" Bruce said playfully as he ruffled my hair.

"Sky's idea..." I mumbled as I poked y sisters side. "So are we doing anything today, or can we have a movie day?" I asked as Alfred walked in.

Alfred gave us a bowl of cereal each then left the room.

"Actually." Bruce started. "After breakfast I wanted to take you 2 somewhere today, especially you Sky... There's a place, I want you to see. Also, the Haly's Circus is in town tonight and I was wondering if you kids wanted to go? Just the 3 of us?"

"What about Alfred?" Sky asked in a small voice.

"Alfred's going to England for the week to visit his family, so it'll be just us 3 for a bit. So what do you say???"

"Sure, when can we leave?!!" I asked - yelled -

"It's 4:40!" He sighed... "Go get dressed." Was all Bruce said before Sky and myself had jumped down and ran off to our rooms to get ready for the day.


I skid down the stair railing to find Alfred with a suitcase at the door. Sky was wearing pretty much the same thing as me - which wasn't hard considering that they were my old clothes - we both had jeans on and a t-shirt, hers Blue and mine Green, both with a Black hoody on as well.

"Master Dick! Please, do not use the raining as a slide!"

"Sorry Alfie!"

He gave me, my sister and Bruce a hug before getting into a taxi that was outside the door.

"Are you 2 ready to go?" Bruce asked as he held the door open for us.

I grabbed my sister's hand and led her to the car - one of them - and we sat in the front... together... on the same seat... what? We're both small...

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