Chapter 27: Time to go Home

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Chapter 27: Time to goHome

Please listen to all the songs in this chapter or you wont get the chapter!

Sky P.O.V

~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~

"We're here. Everyone out and Sky?"


"Remember." Right, remember to be mute... Dick grabbed hold of my hand and led me into the coffee shop. We sat down at a table in the back corner and a waitress came over to us;

"Can I get you anything?" The question was directed at Bruce.

"Yes. Can we have 3 ice chocolates, and a share plate of scones."

"Coming right up."

'What is ice chocolate?' I signed to my brother.

"Heaven of earth... of is it Elysium? I'm never quite sure..."

"In some religions, heaven is up and hell is down, but in Greek, the afterlife is all in the underworld... the realm of Hades?" Bruce looked over to me for confirmation and I nodded.

'There is the fields of Punishment, the fields of Asphodel and Elysium. For those who were bad, did neither good nor bad, and for heroes.' I signed to further explain how the Greek afterlife worked.

"Right..." just then the lady came back over with our drinks. I looked over to my brother and he motioned for me to take a sip. I did. And I can't even begin to explain what it tasted like.

After a few more minutes a plate full of scones with little dishes of jam and cream came out, accompanied by 3 empty plates and 3 butter knives.

I ate about half a scone before I stopped eating, only a third of my drink was gone too. I haven't been able to eat this much in 2 years and my stomach had shrunk so that it didn't need much food to keep me going. Bruce looked up from his food at me and a frown set upon his face.

"Aren't you hungry Skyla?" I shook my head and kept my eyes down at my barely touched food.

"You should eat more Skyla; you are much too thin for your age. Are you sure you are not hungry?" Bruce asked me in a concerned voice. I nodded my head again.

In the car I dozed off as the scenery passed me by.


*Day 2 of being at CADMUS*

"Alex, my name is Mark. I'm going to take care of you ok? I'm here to protect you. Do you trust me?" Mark asked me as he extended a hand.

After a moment's hesitation I took hold of Mark's hand and allowed him to lead me to a room. When we got there, Mark picked me up and placed me on an examining table of sorts.

"I'll be back in a minute Alex." Mark had told me, so I waited... and waited...

Eventually the door opened, but it wasn't Mark. There was 5 people in full chemical suits. They walked over to me and held me down to the table. I started to struggle and whimper but one of them slapped me and told me to 'shut up and be still' before he went back to holding me down - this time with more force.

One of them men turned to face me with 2 syringes in hand, one with a fluoro orange liquid inside, and the other had a vibrate violet colour within. As he moved closer to me my mind yelled at me to run, but I didn't dare move - I couldn't.

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