Chapter 10 - The Full Truth - Dedicated to @kikilottie

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This Chapter is Dedicated to @kikilottie for his/her support and encouragement.

Dick P.O.V

I'm not letting her go, I've already failed her once, and I'm not gonna fail her again. I pulled back so I could look at her better. Her eyes, her beautiful sky blue eyes, are shattered.

"Hey KF, Speedy, this is my little sister Skyla. Sky these are my best-bro-friends Wally and Roy." (Dick is 9, Wally is 11 and Roy 14)

"Dude, I thou-" Why don't you 4 go to the training room to get to know each other?" Called out Wonder Woman over Wally.

At the training room

I can't wait to show sis the training room, Batman installed a trapeze after 2 months of me being Robin, to help me maintain my agility, along with loads of other acrobatic equipment.

"Hey, Yla, (SkYla, just another nickname - pronounced eye-la) let's show them what we got." I said to my sister, gesturing to the trapeze.

"First one?" I asked, remembering the first performance that we ever did together.

"Yin and Yang?"

"Ok let's go" The Act was simple enough one of us would have flowing movements and the other jerky and then we would swap around continuously. I was 5 and ½ and Sky was 3 ¾.

Wally P.O.V

They are amazing! Like, I knew that Dick was good, but with Sky, they are incredible, perfect, 2 parts of a whole. I've seen Dick enjoy himself doing acrobatics, but his laughter that fills the air along with his sisters, is full of pure delight and joy.

Roy P.O.V

I'm glad That Dickie is back with his sister, he seems happier up there, with her, and even looks better, as if a huge weight had just been lifted from his shoulders.

"Dick, Sky come down from there please." Wait Batman said please. The Batman! Wow, just wow.

They both let go of the wires and plummeted to the floor, summersaulted and landed perfectly on the ground, and then followed Bats out. Wally and I scurried to catch up with them.

"Liga vrea să te întrebe Sky." {The League wants to question you Sky.} Batman says to Sky in another language – Romanian, Dick stated to teach Wally and myself.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

Wally P.O.V

We were all in the interrogation room, standing around. As Wonder Woman wrapped her lasso around Sky, pinning her arms to her waist, Batman began the questioning.

"How did you meet Death-Stroke?"

"After Mama and Tata were murdered, I ran outside and climbed up a tree, eventually he asked me to come down, so I did. He told me who he was and what he wanted from me, and I went with him. I wrote down in the dirt that I was a mute, and then became afraid to speak cause of what he had done to me."

"What happened next?"

"He named me Renegade, or Alex. After 5 months, Cadmus abducted me, used me as a human lab rat, tested stuff on me and what-not. I spent 2 months there until a Talon from the Court of Owls came and took me away. They, or Henry -the Talon- trained me to k-kill. After 4 months, I was out on an op, when Assassins from the league of Shadows surrounded me, I fought them off for a bit, then realised that they could get me away from the Court. So I willingly went with them. Thalia Al-Ghul raised and trained me, she became like a mother figure to me. For once I was treated like a human, not a weapon or lab-rat. Anyway, after 8 months, the Court of Owls found me and attacked the Shadows. Thalia got me out of there, told me to find you, said that Batman could help, but before I could get to him, Death-Stroke found me and took me back. He monitored my vital signs during missions, and found that I enjoy steeling for him, and the worst part is, that I do enjoy that rush, the thrill of being out there. So he sent me out into the field immediately, since I had been training the whole 16 months I was away from him. Eventually I ran into Batman on an op, and let myself get captured –because I remembered what Thalia had told me about him– and, well here I am."

Black Canary P.O.V

The Kid started to shake up after she told us what had happened to her. Richard went over and hugged her, while Batman took off his cowl and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"There not gonna get you Sky, I promise you. They will have to get through the entire league to take you. Ok, your safe here." Batman reassured the kid as he knelt down in front of her, hands still on her shoulders.

Eventually she stopped crying and Dick let go of her, but still held onto her hand. Batman moved behind her and kept his hands on her shoulders, for reassurance.

"What do you know about him? It was Black Cannery.

"Well he was taken in by the Court of Owls at age 11, when he turned 19, Ra's Al-Ghul 'took him in' and trained him for years, Ra's wanted him to be the one to take over from him, but he left, and when you came he changed his mind about 'him'."

"Ok, thank you Sky, let's go."

Batman got the lasso off Sky and steered her and Dick out the door when;

"Slade Wilson – that's Death-Stroke's real name." Before the zeta beam took them away

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