Chapter 38 - Disastrous

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Chapter 38 - Disasterous

The gun slipped out of her hand and landed on the floor with a clatter. Her whole body was shaking. She had just killed someone. She had just broken Batman's number one rule: don't kill.

But what scared her the most, was that she had enjoyed it. The pain inside her heart had lessened.

But this man was dead, and the only though running through her head was 'what have I done?'

"It's okay kid, he's gone," Slade told the girl, who was frozen from shock. "He can never hurt you again."

"I- I killed him," said Skye. She was mumbling to herself, not really seeing where she was anymore. Everything was spinning. Blurry images passed over her vision. Muffled voices surrounded her.

"I promised I wouldn't. He'll never forgive me – he'll lock me up." Slade lead the trembling girl back to her room and sat her on the bed. "Skye," he said. "Skyla, listen to me," he said, a tone of insistence in his voice.

Skye's eyes filled with light, refocusing on the man in front of her, before flickering around the room, taking in her change of surroundings. She was in her old bedroom. Slade's mask was residing on her bedside table, his face holding a gently look as he gazed at the child.

"You did the right thing," he said firmly. Slade waited for her gaze to land back on him before he continued, "you were strong in there. I'm proud of Skylaina ."

"I can't tell him," whispered Skye. "They'll hate me. I can't- I just can't live..." Skye trailed off. It was obvious she was scared. But Slade was surprised at what she was scared of, or rather who.

She was scared of Batman. He was her guardian. Her Father.

Why? Why would she be scared of him.

"He doesn't have to know, Skye." Said Slade. "He'll come for you; I can put a drug in your system to make you sleep until he gets there. He won't even know you were ever awake here." Slade watched the gears turning in his apprentice's head.

"I can't lie to him," stated Skye simply.

"Well," said Slade, "You can lie, quite well in fact."

"I don't want to lie to him; to my brother." Skye clarified, looking down. She didn't want to see the disappointment on Slade's face.

Slade raised Skye's head with a gentle hand, "you won't have to. I can inject you with a drug that, when Wayne checks what I in injected you with, the drug will come up as a 24-hour sleeping drug. You will never have to tell Wayne what happened, because he'll think you were asleep the entire time."

Slade had to hide a smirk at Skyla's shocked face. Skyla looked so confused as to why her was being so nice to her. Why would he do that? Just so Bruce doesn't find out she killed someone? No. there had to be something more than that. Did Slade really want her as his apprentice that badly, that he was going to help her hide from Bruce? That didn't make any sense.

Skye shook her head in confusion, it was too much to think about. She turned her focus back to the man in front of her.

"I understand your confusion, Renegade. You thought that they were your family..." he said softly. "But you were wrong." Curling a finger under Skye's chin, Slade tilted her head, so she was looking up at him.

"They betrayed you Skyla. The Justice League was never going to find the man that killed your parents. You may not see that now, but one day, they will show their true colours and you will come back to me."


Slade watched from the rafters, shrouded by shadows, as Bruce Wayne – in his bat persona - and Thalia Al Ghul found Skylaina Grayson asleep in the abandon warehouse set up as a fake hideout. Skye's eyes fluttered open when she felt an arm curl under her knees and another around her back. Confusion and panic set in, where was she?

But seeing Thalia next to her and realising it was Bruce who was holding her stilled her mind. She let out a shuddering breath when she realised just how cold she was. It was bloody freezing! Being out in pyjamas in Gotham during winter was not asterous.

"How are you feeling, little one?" it was Thalia who had spoken.

"Cold," she whispered, "definitely feeling the mode right now."

Skye looked around, only just realising that she wasn't in the same place when Slade has injected her with a sleeping drug. As her groggy mind started working, Skyla recognised the warehouse from the blueprints Slade had shown her.

"Where am I?"

"In danger," was Batman's short response.

"Thalia," said Barman, "get her home and keep her safe."

Without another word Thalia took Skye from his arms and walked out into the freezing wind. Skye jumped down from her arms and began walking next to her surrogate mother as they headed towards the Batmobile.

Slade watched from one of the many rooftops as his apprentice and the Shadow heir walked towards the black car.

"One day soon, kid, you will come back to me."

The young girl's voice cut through the air. Her statement supporting Slade's reason to have her go back to her family. She was a child. She needed their love to strengthen her. Skylaina truly was just a kid.

"This is a disaster," she said to Thalia, turning to face her. "Hea-vy on the dis."

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