Chapter 29 - Taken 'La Târg'

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Chapter29 – Taken 'La Târg'

Sky P.O.V

I heard a noise in my room through my sleep, but I just assumed that it was Bruce. Oh how wrong I was. When I felt myself get picked up, it didn't feel like Bruce. I opened my eyes and saw a figure that I haven't seen in a while. 'Oh great.' I remember saying something in Latin but I don't remember what I said. All I know is that I fell back asleep immediately.

Dick P.O.V

When someone covered my mouth, I bolted up. the figure was someone I didn't recognise is black clothing. I freaked out and started struggling and squirming, but the person was too strong, I could barely get out a noise or move at all. Not without being Robin anyway. When the person brought up a dagger, I froze. The person, who I now know is a female, said something to me, before opening something under my nose. And at the same time, she released her hand, so I instinctively took a breath, and then I passed out.

Bruce P.O.V

When I woke up at 0700 the next morning, the first thing I noticed was a note on my bed-side-table. I picked it up are read in unfamiliar hand writing;

'Bruce Wayne, I have taken your children and if you ever want to see them alive again, you will prepare 60,000 dollars and then call this number – you have 24 hours. - 3399986667 - ...............'

"Oh no, not again..." I continued to read the rest of the note and almost laughed. "Oh Sister...of-course. I'm surprised that it hasn't happened sooner."

Sky P.O.V

I woke up again when I heard the sound of a car door closing. I saw my brother on the seat next to me with his head lolling to the side. There was a small bit of drool coming out of his mouth too. He woke up when I failed to stifle my laugh.

"You drool in your sleep."

"Nice to see you too 'Annabeth.' Wow, he did not sound whelmed.

"Someone's not whelmed, not whelmed at all." I quipped back at my brother.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked calmly to the woman in the driver's seat.

"Ut aequum est, paulo ad filios ... pulchra." 

"Umm ... cur?" 

"Familia tempore Sky. Etiam et volo nosse filia, frater." 

"It's 05:20, do you kids want something to eat?" She asked in English from the front. I shared a look with my brother. 

"Definitely." We said simultaneously.

"Here." She said as she passed a plastic bag to us. "Two egg and bacon rolls and two chocolate breakers – Eat-up."

"Thanks Thalia." I said as I dug into my food. It tasted so good – the bacon was still hot!

"You're welcome Skyla."

"Oh, this is my brother Richard by the way. Or Dick, or Dickie... you get the point. Tidal, this is Thalia, she took care of me when I was with the league of Shadows for 8 months."

"Oceania, won't Bruce be worried when he finds out that we are missing?" 

"Oh don't worry about that Richard, Bruce and I go way back, we grew up together for a long time – He left Gotham at around age 13 and my Father took him in and trained him with me. I left a note for him."

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