Chapter 41 - Run Like Hell

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Chapter 41 - Run Like Hell


Skye woke up to a noise. Small, inaudible, and almost un-noticeable – but out of place. Early morning sunlight streamed in through a broken stained-glass window. The sun had just risen but the churches occupants lay silent and still.

"Dick... wake up. They're here. It's time." Dick didn't move or show any signs of life, but Skye noticed his hand twitch three times. 'Copy that.'

The Talons approached the twins first; picking them up, covering their mouths and taking them away. The others were a little louder, waking up as they were grabbed, they began struggling furiously. The resistance was short-lived, however, when each and every one of them was injected with a knock-out serum.

Skye felt a hand on her wrist, yanking her to her feet. On instinct, she flipped over her captor, twisting out of his grip as she did so, falling backwards into her brother.

"It'll be okay," he whispered, "we're together." Skye looked into her brother's eyes, seeking comfort as she took a deep breath, only to see a dart sticking out of his neck as he fell to the floor before her.

She was grabbed from behind from the Talon again and lifted off the ground. But she didn't fight or struggle this time. Just allowing herself to be dragged away. She was released and set down outside in the pre-dawn light, away from her friends, who were all unconscious. Dishevelled and covered in dirt, she looked up at the masked man behind her.

'If you hurt my brother, I will kill you,' she stated in a deadly tone, void of any emotion.

Realising that was this child's way of saying she would go with them, the Talon put a hand on her back to guide her forward. Skye walked alongside the assassin, seeing her new friends and brother being carried out of the old church and into an awaiting van.

Knock out gas, just as Skye had predicted before she went to sleep. Sleeping children made much less fuss. Skye knew this, of course. Hence why she cooperated and went quietly. She would be awake and able to see where they were being taken.

Skye was guided into the passenger seat of one of the vans. The Talon moved around the vehicle silently and climbed into the driver's seat. Before starting the car, he said,

'You know who we are.' It wasn't a question, but a fact. 'Care to return the favour?' Skye stayed silent, looking out the tinted window as buildings went by. He didn't ask again, he didn't have to. Skye understood what was left unsaid.

So what if the Court knew who she was? they wouldn't hurt her. Not like they could.

'Sage,' she said, 'they know me as Sage.'

Skye didn't feel threatened near the Talon, she was under Deathstroke's protection after all. She wasn't in danger. They worked with him (sometimes). No way did they want him as their enemy. Skye knew, somehow, that Slade was watching over her, she knew he wouldn't let them harm her.

'Then what is your real name?'

There was a long moment of silence before she spoke again. Who was she, Skylaina Grayson; last of the Fearless Flying Graysons? Skyla Wayne, previously missing and presumed dead adopted daughter of billionaire Bruce Wayne? Alexa Al Ghul: Spoken daughter of Thalia Al Ghul and heir of the Shadows? Or Deathstroke's apprentice, Renegade?

But the bigger question, was who did she want to be?

' Alexa,' she said finally, 'My name is Alexa.'

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