Chapter 4 - The Court

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Alex P.O.V

The Talon that took me away from Cadmus told me that his name was Henry, and that he will present me to his masters, the Court.

Time Skip - 2 hours

Henry, who still had my hand, was leading me down corridors. Finally, we reach the main room, full of humans with Owl masks.

Henry bowed when he reached the middle of the room.

"Masters." He said respectfully. I followed his lead and bowed my head.

"This," Henry gestured to me. "Is Alex, aka. Renegade."

"How old are you Renegade?" asks the head Owl (I don't know what they are called) I just raised 5 fingers.

"Can she not speak?" Asked another Owl (???)

"No sir, she is a mute." Henry stated for me.

"She's dressed like Wilson, why?" Someone else questioned.

"Alex was Slade's apprentice, that is why we have selected her, as young as she may be, Renegade has already been trained to fight, and to kill." Henry explained to the Court.

"And with her training to be a Talon from this age - unable to speak and betray us, Renegade will be our ultimate weapon."

'They really think that it is a good idea to train me to be a killer, I'm 5! But yes I am more mature than most 10 year olds. The Court have put me in a very small room which looks like a cell, and smells like one too.' Henry opened the door to my 'room' and walked over to me and said;

"Follow me Alex." And of course I went with him, cause 'nothing bad has ever happened by doing that!' Note the sarcasm. Henry told me to follow a man in a lab coatwho then proceeded to take me to a lab of sorts and told me to sit on the bench. And brought over a screw remover of sorts and attempted to remove my mask but... 'Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh' I mentally screamed as electricity coerced the through my body. My whole body felt like it was on fire. 'That Hurt! Like, more than most of my punishments or 'lab tests' I usually get, and I've had some pretty painful ones.' We spent the next hour like that, him trying to remove my mask, and me being electrocuted.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

Over the past 4 months I spent my time doing intense training excises and stuff. They have been sending me out on missions for just over a month. 'Reverent Mother, forgive me, for I have sinned.' They have forced me to kill, and I hate it. The act of taking another's life, scars anyone forever, especially a child. 'Hey I'm 6 now, have been for almost a 3 months, whoops.' The missions they send me on do give me a rush, a bit like when I would steel for Death Stroke, until I kill, then all I feel is guilt.

I was running from rooftop to rooftop in my new Talon get-up when I heard something behind me, but as I turn around, I couldn't see anyone. I just pushed off the feeling as being paranoid - BIG mistake. People dressed in all black jumped out of nowhere at me - about 30 grown men. 'Seriously, 30 men, just to catch a 6-year-old, sheeish!' 'Well I'm hopelessly outmatched. Wait, maybe this could be my chance to escape the court, forever.' I just stopped fighting, which took the 'assassins' by surprise. One of them came up to me and asked;

"Are you done yet?" At a small nod from me they lead me into a forest, and their ship came, picked us all up and took us to their 'secret' base. 'Not much of a secret now, 'because I know where it is!'

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