Chapter 13 - Society - dedicated to @Junie420

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        Chapter 13 – Society – dedicated to @Junie420

Time Skip the next day – dinner time – in the dining room

Bruce P.O.V

I'm not sure how we can just 'find' her. People don't just 'pop up' out of the blue, or in this case grey – cause its Gotham. Unless she did just 'pop-up', at night, covered in bruises and scars, which she is. And 'fainted', then batman 'found' her, and took her to the commissioner, did a DNA test or something and 'figured out' who she is. Simple!

"Kids, I think I have a plan to 'find' you and bring you back to society. And cause only Thalia saw the real you – though she already knows our secret, - nobody (Percy Jackson anyone? No? Ok, moving on...) would recognise you."

"You do? Yes! Then you can hang out with me outside of the manor and our 'basement!' this is awesome!" Dick basically yelled while hugging his sister to death.

"But how can I just 'pop-up' out of nowhere?" sky questioned quietly.

"Well that's the part that I need help with. I figured that if you 'escaped' from somewhere, in ripped clothing, covered in bruises and scars, which you are. Your brother and I would 'find' you, you would faint from exhaustion and we would take you to the commissioner, show a photo of you 2 years ago and BAM! Your safely on your way back home."

Sky P.O.V

Home. After 2 years of moving around I finally have a home. With my older brother and his father figure and butler – grandfather person, and personal medic. I have wanted only 2 things since I left the circus, and now I have both, a home, and a family.

Dick P.O.V

"But won't someone connect Sky and Seth, I mean, they can't come into existence within a week of each other. There has to be a major difference that will keep people away from the truth, far away."

"Seth has already been heard talking, but Sky can stay mute, at least for a while."

"You sure that you want to talk, with your TI, past and well, everything." (TI = Trust Issues – I have it)

"Yea, but I feel safe around you 2 at night, and even now. Besides, 'Alex' was the trained Assassin known as Renegade, now she is a person I remember only from a bad dream. Seth, is the new hero in the Bat-fam-clan and Sky is a traumatised 7-year-old girl who was missing for 2 years and is now living with her family." I could see as Sky spoke her cheeks got red with embarrassment.

"Were glad kiddo. Now, who wants cookies?"

"MEEE!!!!!!" I yell as I grab Sky's hand and race into the kitchen for cookies.

Bruce came in after us and lifter myself and Sky onto the bench so we can see the delicious cookies with a glass of pineapple juice (Yes. Pineapple juice. I tried it on summer camp when I was young and it's great!)

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