Chapter 16 - Flashback - Death Stroke's Apprentice #1

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The video doesn't really match the chapter - not at all actually - but it's funny.

Also thank you so much for the some 580 something reads!

Sky's P.O.V {review} {happening right after the death of Mary and John Grayson after the first chapter}

I could hear Dick scream my name as I prepared to jump into my parents waiting hands, only to see terror on their faces.

'I'm going to die with my parents.'

I begin to think, but I could feel a firm grip on my hand. As Dick pulls me back onto the platform I turn around just in time to see my parents hit the ground with a sicking CRACK!

People were running everywhere screaming. I could feel my brother's arms wrap around me and I bury my face in his chest.

We finally make our way over to our broken parent's bodies. Their arms and legs bent at odd angles and their skulls bashed in with pools of blood surrounding them. I can't, I just can't stand seeing them like this. I run outside a back entrance and climb up a tall tree (20 meters - 76 feet) and sob.

'Why did this have to happen?' I asked myself (in my head)

'It's just not fair.'

After a while a man walked up to the bottom of the tree and asked me to come down, so I did. I guess he could see the tears on my face as he asks,

"Where are your parents little one?" I couldn't even lift my head to look at him, my parent's deaths so raw inside my mind. I just point up and the man smirks at this and said:

"Come with me, I will train you to be strong. You will make an excellent apprentice."

'And honestly, if I was thinking normally, I would have been utterly creeped out by 'his' face.'

He held out his hand and I made the first mistake of my life, I took it.

"My name is Slade Wilson but unless we are in public you will call me Death Stroke or Master."

We were walking through the forest when he asked me why I hadn't spoken, and I made a split-second decision. I kneel down and wright in the dirt,

"Mute." And Slade seems way too happy at this information, he said;

"This will make things easier." (Creep!)

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

Slade took me to a building on the out-skirts of Gotham. He lead me into a secret passage way, (Clichy much?) Down many stairs until we get to a large, brightly lit room.

On one wall it has a lot of – very large – super computers going up the wall, with a lot of buttons on the "key-board," or whatever you want to call "that."

In the centre of the main room, there is a large ring on the floor, (used for training) and multiple doors leading off in different directions.

"Since you don't speak, you'll just have to write something down if you need. But I want you to forget who you are. I need you to forget about the weak little girl who lost her parents, and become strong for me, can you do that?" Slade asked me softly. (Yes I'm giving Slade a heart.)

I nodded my head.

"How about we give you a new name – a whole new identity. You'll have to be my daughter to keep suspicion off how a 5-year-old just popped up – related to me. Alex, that fits you. (it was the first by-sexual [boy and girl] name that came to my head.)

{I probably should have done this at the beginning of my story [I can't remember if I did or not] but I DO NOT OWN ANY DC RELATED STUFF ONLY THE PLOT AND MY OC SKYLANA FAITH GRAYSON – SHE IS MINE. As is any other OC's I bringing in – unless it is someone else's- you get the point – on with the story.}

"Alex, I'm gonna take care of you and train you so that one day, you can take my place. As your master, I will train you to be strong, and who knows, I might even become like a father to you."

I nod my head again as I look into Slade's brown (???) eyes and give him a small smile. I want to make my new Master proud, no matter what it takes

Later that night – or technically very early morning.

Slade P.O.V

It was 2 am, I don't usually get up for another 2 and a half hours, but then again I am a very light sleeper, so any slight noise would wake me up. 'CRASH!!!!!' so that's the sound and reason of me waking up. I go up to investigate the noise, but as I approached where the sound is coming from, I realised that it was coming from Alex's room. As I entered her room, her appearance shocked me most.

She was crying silently as tears stream down her face – while she was whimpering, no words, just whimperers.

'Her parents must have died more recently than I first thought. And by the look of Alex, right before her eyes. Wait, Died, or Murdered. I'll have to ask later. But this could complicate things if her parents were murdered in front of her, she may have a negative attitude towards assassinating for me later on. Aar! I'll deal with that later, right now I have a 5-year-old to wake up from the depth of her nightmarish memories.

"Alex, wake up. Wake UP!" I said getting louder each time as I shook her little body back into reality. Alex bolted up with tears pouring down her small, face.

Open P.O.V

Slade did not really know how to handle a traumatised child though he was one himself. He – very awkwardly (that took forever to figure out how to spell) – pulled the newly christened "Alex" onto his lap and comforted her.

Slade P.O.V

Eventually 'Alex' calmed down and since it was 3am there really was no use going back to sleep.

'I'll have to figure something out for the kid, I can't be too soft on her or she will never learn. Yes, I will let her cry, but Alex must learn to get-over herself quickly, for an assassin cannot be distracted.'

*Flash-Back over*


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