Chapter 31 - Rain

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Chapter 31 - Rain

Batman P.O.V - 2 nights later

"Why does it have to be so wet?" Seth complained to me.

"It's called rain kiddo." Batgirl told Seth as she landed next to us on top of the Wayne enterprise building.

"Ugh. The sky is drooling on me..."

"I got 1 attempted robbery Bats, I guess it's a quiet night."

"Well that's more exciting then what Bats and I had to deal with." Seth told Batgirl without getting up from her position sitting on the roof with her legs swinging over the edge.

"We had 2 muggings. Well done Batgirl, you're improving."

"Thanks. And I did learn from the best."

"Batman, where's Robing? He should have been back before Babs." Seth asked worried as she looked in the directing her brother should be coming back in.

A few minutes later Robin showed up. He had dealt with a car thief, an attempted brake in and a kidnapping in progress.

"Yea, you definitely won tonight's round."

"So, what now? It's only 23:30." Robin asked me as he perched next to his sister.

"Well we could go home early, take the rest of the night off?" Batgirl suggested, walking up to my 2 kids on the ledge of the building.

"Gunfire..." I just heard Seth whisper.

"What?" Barbara asked. The next second Seth jumped up, shot her grappling hook in the direction Robin just came from and swung away.

"Robin, was anything big happening that could be a target for criminals." I asked my young protégé urgently.

"Umm yea. I passed a party on my way here..."

"Then let's go."


"Penguin? Really?" Robin asked on Batgirl's right.

"And this was supposed to be our night off!" BG complained as Seth joined them at the door. Honestly, these kids...

"And you ruined it! You will pay! You shall rot in Tartarus for the rest of eternity!"

"Alright, alright! What do you want?"



"A unicorn!" all 3 of my Protégé's yelled out at once.

"Really Rob?" Batgirl asked giving Robin a sideways glance.

"What? He asked us what we wanted!" Robin defended himself as he drew 2 Bat-a-rangs.

"Everyone out!" I yelled to the guests who were just standing there. After I said that, it was chaos with everyone running to get out of the way. While that was happening, all of Penguin's goons had come in to protect him.

As I turned back around after making sure all the citizens had gotten out safely and Robin let out his signature cackle and his sister smirked and said; "Let's get this party started." I threw down a couple smoke bombs down for cover before grappling onto a support beam to watch the fight. I'm letting the kids have this one.

The 3 of them worked together well and took down all the guys until it was just Penguin left. They all moved closed to apprehend him when he yelled "Wait!"

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