Chapter 8 - De Interrogation

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(sorry, but there'll be a LOT of P.O.V changes this chapter.)

Wonder Woman P.O.V

As I wrap my Lasso around the girl, pinning her arms lightly against her body, I can't help but notice the way she stiffens when I come close to her, and as I wrap my lasso around her, she seems restless and worried. 'Hu, strange.'

"This is the Lasso of Truth; you are powerless against it." And Batman asks the first question (do you like blue, fluffy elephants?)

"What's your name?"

Renegade\Alex\Sky P.O.V

(from now on, I'm just gonna call her 'the kid' or R\A\S)

As Wonder Woman wraps her golden rope around me, I feel all my mental barriers drop 'not good. Oh gods, help me.'

Wonder Woman P.O.V

Silence – "I command you to answer" I saw as I pull the rope tighter, she winces.

"R-Re---Renegade." Her voice sounds like she hasn't used it in years.

"First Name" I command

"Al-" She just stops, as if in conflict within herself.

"I demand you answer with your Real Full name"

"I-I—I don't remember." She stammers barley above a whisper.

"Wonder Woman, please see yourself out, I will handle this on my own." Comes the Bats rough voice from behind me.

"Just, be gentle with her, ok." I ask the Bat as I walk past him.

'Recognised – Wonder Woman 0-3' and I'm gone.

Batman P.O.V

"Renegade," I start, my voice in the tone that I would normally use on Dick after a night-terror.

"How old are you?" 6 fingers come up in response

"What name have you gone by other that Renegade?"

"A-Alex." Comes a stammered reply.

"Do you remember your family, before you were taken by Death Stroke?" (in this, the JLA don't know Death Stroke's real name)

"S-Sorta. My Brother, and my Paren-..."

"What, what do you remember?"

"Th-They died, 2 years ago, didn't they? Phantom" the last word was whispered.

"Renny, who's Phantom"

"M-me, my nick name, from Dickie..."

The kids P.O.V (From now on Renegade\Alex will be referred to as Sky.)

Dickie, my brother. 'I love looking at your eyes, they remind me of the SKY Phantom.'

"Sk-Sky, my name, Skylaina Faith Grayson. Richard! Where is he?! Dickie! Is Dick safe?!"(I keep forgetting to pit the 'i' in Skylaina's name)

"Skyla, calm down, your brother is fine, I promise." I don't know why, but I find myself trusting Batman's promise.

"Here" I say giving Batman the note that Thalia told me to give to him.

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