Chapter 12 - Sleepover - Dedicated to @samanthakoroll

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Chapter 12 – Dedicated to @samanthakoroll. And thank you all so much for the 300 reads.

Barbara P.O.V

Another thing I found out about Sky, she keeps a dagger under her pillow at night and around her thy during day time, a gift from Thalia when she was with the league of shadows. Kinda creepy. And not only that, but she can use it really well, and she's great with a sword too. But she prefers 1 long or 2 short Escrima sticks, better to hit things with.

Skyla P.O.V

Dick, Barbara and I spent 3 hours in the water before we got out for combat practice. Bruce said that we have to get to know each other's fighting styles, like Batman and Robin know theirs. Dick and I are very in-sink, probably from our Circus days when we had to be. When I was being trained by Thalia, she taught me how to turn my fighting into a dance of sorts, using fluid motions, going into one another perfectly. And it appears that Dick has implicated his performing profession into fighting as well. Barbara, is a gymnast and acrobat, not up to Dick and my standards, but good enough, great actually.

"You 3, its 9:00, time to leave. Patrol."

"Wait, I'm coming too?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. But before we leave, you need a costume. For now, you can have Dick's first 'Robin' costume, it should fit. now let's go."

Gotham City

Robin P.O.V

It's been quiet, well at least no mega villains like Joker or Riddler. But there have been plenty of small crimes, robberies and stuff, great crimes to start Seth off.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

Robin P.O.V – again –

Bat-girl rolled her ankle, so I took her to Alfred to patch her up, and left Seth with Batman.

Batman P.O.V

Seth and I just finished tying up to last or the crooks that attempted to break into Gotham Bank. Sirens, great just what she needs.

"Batman, the Comish is outside" Robin whispered. "B-g (Bat-girl) will be fine, she just rolled it.

"Batman." Jim greeted.

"Commissioner." I responded

"Who's the kid?" Jim asked, seeing Seth half hiding behind me.

"Seth, a new partner." I answered shortly.

"Really? She's so young." Jim said worried.

"She's the same age as I was when I started out." Robin 'chirped' in.

"Are you her father then? And Robins too?" Jim was pushing his questioning allowance now.

"Yes, I'm their father." I replied on instinct.

"Yea he's our dad." Robin and surprisingly Seth. She barely talks to anyone; especially people she doesn't know.

'OK, I just don't want 2 young kids running around Gotham alone." Jim said as he walked away.

The Bat-Cave – Later (3:00am)

'Earlier back there, with Gordon, I said that Robin and Seth were both my children. Yes 'Batman' is their mentor and as superheros, a father. But I never adopted Dick and Sky's been here for about a week. Maybe I could adopt them, prenatally, though I'd have to come up with a way to 'find' her and taker her to the GCPD to cover up what really happened.

"Hey Bruce." I head Dicks voice from behind me.

"Hey Chum, are you ok?"

"Sorta, well not really. Sky is believed to be dead, how are meant to just bring her into solicit again, without questions?"

"I was just thinking about that myself. I've got some ideas, but I don't want you worrying about that now. It's the 11|11 Dickie-"

"Happy 9th Birthday Dickie-Bird!" Seth – without a mask – yells as she jumps onto Robin – Also without a mask – piggy-back style.

Dick flipped sky off his back, but she turned and landed on her feet chasing after her brother. Playing 'Keep Away'. Basically, it's tag, but they are only allowed to take 3 steps to move before you have to perform a flip or cartwheel or something to move around to tag the person and 'Keep Away' from the 'it' person. The game helps them keep their acrobatic state up high while having fun.

Speaking of 'fun' Wally and Roy should be here soon.

"Why don't you 2 get out of your costumes?"

"Kay" they answered at the same time.

--------This is a time skip---------

"Were back!"

"'Keep Away' you're up!" Sky Says s she flips over her brother and into the training arena.

'Recognized Kid Flash B-03, Speedy B-06." The Zeta beam voice announced.

"Happy Birthday Dick!" Wally and Roy shout over the siblings' noise.

They both froze, then ran up and attacked the newcomers in a group hug.

"Hey Bro, how ya' going."

"Hey guys. Bruce, did you do this?"

"It was Sky's idea!"

"Come-on, Alfred has snacks up-stairs, you kids go watch a movie.

"I-I get to go up-upstairs? I-I thou- "

"Sky, I'm not gonna keep you as a prisoner down here, this is your home to."

They watch movies all morning, (it is 3:37) had pillow fights, food fights, and finally fell asleep at 10:43 am watching Toy Story 2. They all fell asleep on one-another. Wally's head in Roy's lap. Dicks head on Roy's shoulder, with Sky on her brother's lap.

"I'm glad Alfred."

"That they are all finally asleep sir?"

"Yes. But also Wally and Roy have helped Dick get through the past 9 or so months, and before he had them, Dick just wasn't as happy. But I'm glad that Wally and Roy have accepted Sky how they have, and so fast – even with her past, they just don't care about what happened to her, they only care about who she is now."

I got out my phone and sent a photo of the 4 kids sleeping to their mentors, along with the 2 other videos I took of them playing games and having a pillow fight.

{I'm actually righting this on the 11|11|16 – Dick real Birthday. Happy Birthday Richard Grayson! But I can't post this at school cause the internet blocks the sight.}


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