Chapter 2 - First 9 Months

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Time Skip: 2 Weeks

Sky's P.O.V

Since I didn't talk Slade decided to rename me Alex. It was alright, but Slade's been nonstop training me as his apprentice. He beats me every time I make a huge mistake in training or don't do as I'm told. Slade has never seen my eyes, because he made me wear a mask that only he can remove and didn't get me to take off my circus mask. Slade wanted me to forget who I use to be 'not like he knows who I am anyway' and it's working, now the circus and all the fun times I had seem like distant memories or dreams.

I come back from my first outing: steeling for Slade, and I really didn't like it, it's not right.

"How was that Renegade? Steeling? Tomorrow you will steel an even bigger target for me." Slade told (asked?) me. But I shook my head at him and start to fight, but he won and shoved me back, probably because he was the one to train me.

"I monitored your vital signs during the mission, elevated heart rate, adrenalin, endorphins, you won't admit it, but at some level, you enjoy steeling for me. It was a thrill, wasn't it? You're going to keep steeling Renegade, and you're going to keep getting that thrill, and sooner or later you will see things my way. Who knows, I might even become like a father to you." I just scowled up at him, but there was nothing that I could do. And the worst bit was, I did enjoy the thrill of steeling.

Over the next 5 months I learned to respect Slade, after all he saved me from living on the streets. He is definitely not my Father, but he's all I got, even though he hits me, he still cares...I think - and protects me. I steel for him and I murder for him too. Slade has also presented me to the Light, when they told me to remove my mask, Master took it off but I still had my old domino mask still on – which had started to fuse to my skin and wouldn't come off. There is this guy, Lex Luthor, he gives me the creeps, he keeps eyeing off me when Slade makes me attend his meetings with the Light, I swear he's up to no good. Anyway, tonight I was supposed to steel information from Central City main frame, not the most whelming job I've ever done but oh-well. I had just hacked into the tech lad when I heard a 'Whoosh' behind me and I droped to the ground just in time to see a dark figure jump over me.

'Rahat' I mentally curse myself for getting caught. My master will be most displeased. The punishment tonight will be the worst one yet. Suddenly, I am surrounded by lower members of the Light, about 24 of them. I start to fight, but know that I am greatly outmatched and then I freeze. 'Wait, why would my Masters colleagues by after me?' I think to myself just before I get knocked out. So not Asterous. Not Asterous at all.

Time Skip: 2 Hours 31 Minutes

I wake up in a dark room (cell) and hear voices from outside, Luthor and someone else, they are saying:

"Are you sure Wilson won't come after me, for her?" It sounded like Luthor.

"Positive, Alex is all yours, have her in Cadmus by morning." No idea who that one belonged to though.

"Let us hope that Renegade is not too attached to her old master. After all we did 'save' her from her abuser. Goodnight Sir." Ok that was definitely Luthor's voive, I knew he was up to no good.

"Alex." He said to me as he entered the room.

"Do not worry, you are safe now. Come with me." He said as he held out his hand to me. And I took it. (again, seriously, will I never learn). Luthor lead me to sub-level 48 and introduced me to the G-nomes and 'staff'.

"This is Project R, Renegade. Now I assume that you will have everything ready to begin testing immediately? Great. Goodbye Alex." Luthor was definitely the conversationalist type of person wasn't he?

Now I'm just going to say it, these past 2 months at Cadmus, had been among the worst ones of my life. Every day they test and torcher me non-stop! Making my immune system stronger and try to mess with my brain. Key word is 'Try', I have a very strong mental shield. 'Ha, beat that suckers.' And I never thought that I'd say this but, I miss being will Death Stroke. Ok that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I do miss the thrill. I'm more like 'under house arrest.' The doctors placed a tracker inside of me so they can find me when they need, because I was allowed to roam around all 52 sub-levels of Cadmus, and they let me keep all of my gadget from Slade – after getting rid of the trackers of course.


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