TBS sister - Do'b

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Y/h/l - your hair length

"Yeah, cast party. Yeah, I'll be there." Thomas sighed putting the phone down on the arm of the couch, flicking through the FB channels.

"What's up?" I walked into the living room, slumping down on the couch.

"Just a cast party...and yes, if you want to come you better start getting dressed. Y/N please don't put on something to showy, your my baby sister." He frowned his usual frown.

"Relax Tommy, I'm a year younger, I'll be fine!" I sigh, getting up from my spot and start jogging up the stairs to my rather large room.

I skimmed through the endless dresses in my wardrobe, my hand on my chin, making it look like I was in deep thought.

A gorgeous red dress caught my eye and I pulled it out, placing it on my bed. I had a shower this morning so I didn't need another one.

"Y/N, just a heads up. We're leaving in an hour!" Thomas shouted up the stairs.

An hour? Oh well, I'll be done.

I slipped on the dress along with some black ribbon heeled shoes, I wasn't going to be as tall as Tommy but I was just about eye level.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I pulled at my natural curly hair. Twisting it around my fingers before thinking about what to do with it.

I plug in my straighteners and wait for them to heat up, it only takes fifteen minutes to do my full head.

After I finish I look in the mirror again, coming my fingers through my Y/H/L hair. I pat down my dress and start to head down the stairs.

"Just in time, would've left without you." Tommy says, giving me a mint.

I pop it in my mouth and head out the door, jumping in the car, Tommy turns and looks at me before looking back at the road.

"Y/N, you do realise we won't be back till late? Aren't your feet going to hurt in those heels?" Tommy asks.

"I'll just take them off, I still have my converse in the boot right?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, forgot about them." He mumbles, his hand reaching into his pocket, pulling out a packet of cigarettes, I sigh and look at him.

"You know I hate you smoking, can't just just quit it?" I mutter.

"Well, it's easier said than done." He mutters back.

We pull up in the fancy house driveway. There's got to be more people than the cast, this house is giant.

I get out and knock on the door, flattening my dress down, Tommy stands in front of me, his hands tucked in his pockets.

A man with black, styled hair opens the door and grins happily. "Heyyy, Thomas you made it!" And then he looks at me after giving Tommy a bro hug "this must be your little sister , Y/N." he smiles, his hand wrapping around my waist in a casual greeting as he kisses my cheek.

"Hands off big guy." Tommy laughs.

"It's Dylan." He smiles.

"Hey, nice house. It's yours?" I ask.

"No, no. It's Wes Ball's, you must've heard of him. Maze runner director?" He asks smiling cheekily.

1 hour later

The party was still going strong, most people making out in small corners or dancing with their friends.

Dylan was quite charming, I take a sip from the red solo cup filled up with alcohol, not enough to get me drunk.

I sigh and walk over to Thomas. "Hey, when are we leaving?" I ask, putting my cup on the side.

"Y/N, its only ten. We'll be here for a while." He answers back.

"Fine." I mumble, walking back over to the table that held the alcohol. I fill my empty cup up back to the top.

"What are you doing?" A voice asks.

I turn around "Dylan, hey." I smile softly.

"If you want to leave I could give you a ride home?" He asks.

"You don't want to stay, I don't want to be selfish." I stutter.

"No, no. That's fine, come with me." He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd.

20 minutes later

"C'mon." Dylan walked me to my door.

"Thanks." I blush.

His hand brushed against my cheek softly "you know, ever since I saw you at that door, I wanted to kiss your soft lips." He says.

Leaning in, I do so too, fireworks set off in my stomach.

"Wait." I pull away, his hazel eyes staring into mine in shock.

"I hope you realise Thomas is going to kill you if anything happens." I whisper, unlocking the door.

"I do, but I'm willing." He smirks.

Dylan mutters something, tapping my thighs, making my jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He runs up the stairs, smiling before he drops me on the bed and towers over me, chuckling into my neck, making me shiver.

I smile, turning around to face him, smiling.

"You are so fucking beautiful, you know that." He mumbles, leaving sloppy kissing on my neck.

"Thank you." I smile, he looks up at me and chuckles.

"What are we doing?" He laughs.

"Well, Mr.O'Brien. You drove me home and jumped in bed with me and now your asking what's going on." I giggle.

"Let me take you on a date. I'll pick up something nice for you." He smiles, picking up the quilt and lying in bed with me.

I still in my red dress and him in his tux, we both fall asleep, tangled in one another's arms.

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