Breakup - Ss

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"Hey, you called me. What's up?" I whisper, dropping my bag on the floor and quickly pecking Stiles' cheek.

He stared at the door, not daring to look at me, or anywhere else for that matter.

"Yeah-I, uh." He mumbled.

"You're scaring me...what's up?" I ask.

"I can't- I can't do this anymore.".

"What? What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me?".

"Yeah. But it's not's me.".

"I-i understand. Just, please, don't stop me in the hallway. I, no.".

I struggle to hold in the tears as they puddle in my Y/E/C eyes. Then, at that moment, he looked at me. He wasn't upset. Did he even love me? All this for nothing? Standing up, I rush out the room, heading downstairs.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Sheriff Stilinski stops me at the door, holding me softly by the shoulders.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just a little tired." I fake a smile.

"Alright, I'll see you soon.".


Instead of going home, I go straight to Scott's house, I knew he'd be awake, he always is.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" He whispers.

"He broke up with me Scott. He finally did it." And then at that moment, I break down.

Scott pulls me into his house, wrapping me in a blanket and turning on the tv.

"Can you tell me, if he ever loved me?".

"Way beyond my power.".

"Tell me when he started to love someone else.".

"Two weeks ago.".

"Thank you.".

The door knocks and Scott quickly gets up, answering it. An easily recognisable voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" Stiles said.

"I'm just about to head to bed, I'll text you." Scott says.

"Can you give this to Y/N tomorrow then please? She doesn't want to look at me anymore.".

"Yeah, sure.".

I wait until the door shuts and then stand up.

"Want me to drive you home?" Scott asks, picking up his mums car keys.

"Thank you, Scott.".

• Two months later

Stiles barely even looks at me anymore, but I don't really mind. He doesn't like me, almost avoids Scott when I go over and ask him about anything. It doesn't matter.

"Hey, uh, Y/N." I turn around, noticing a tanned boy with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, hey, Adam right?" I smile, locking my locker.

"Yeah. I-I wanted to know if you'd like to go to the cinemas with me?".

He seemed more confident as I smiled and understood where he was going "like a date?".

"Yeah, I guess so.".

"Cool, text me.".

After that, Adam walks me to my next lesson, talking about what we want to watch and what time I'll be ready for.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now