Interviews - Do'b

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"Dylan, if you don't care anymore I'll go, you've got your acting career to worry about and not just some girlfriend who's barely noticed by anyone." I whisper softly.

"Y/N, you know I don't want that, you know we both don't want that." Dylan says.

He walks over to me and tries to hold my hand but I just pull back.

"But it seems like you don't want me anymore, Dylan. And I know you're always busy but I'm just here. I feel like I talk to T-Pose more than I talk to you.".

"Y/N, please don't do this, baby.".

"I love you Dylan, but I don't feel like you feel the same way.".

After that I left and made my way to T-Pose's house, leaving Dylan in the porch of our house. I love him, I do, but I don't think or relationship was as strong as it was a couple months ago.

The cold wind hits my face, almost as if drying my tears, my hair violently being whipped back as I wrapped my jacket tightly around me.

I knocked on T's door and he opened it instantly, I wrap my arms around him and cry into his warm chest, his protective arms wrap around me, rubbing small circles into my back, this calmed me for a moment before he spoke up.

"What's wrong Y/N?" He asks.

"I told Dylan that we need to take a break." I sniffle.

"C'mon in, I'll order takeaway and give you some nice blankets.".

Tyler brings me in and wraps me up in warm blankets, orders pizza and gives me the Tv remote.

"Thank you T." I smile, wiping my red, puffy eyes, beginning to swipe through the channels.

"That's okay, Y/N. anything for my best friend ever!" He squeals, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

•• 3 months later ••

I had just finished filming a new movie as a main role, meaning there's a premiere tonight so my stylist, Chantelle, is picking my outfit and doing my makeup. She pulls out a thigh length black cute dress and some black heels. Then, from my jewellery box she pulls out a gorgeous bangle, one that I was gifted by my parents. I dress into it and then sit on a chair waiting for her to do my makeup. She blends everything in, and then applies some red matte lipstick. She then curls my hair into beach waves, spraying it with hairspray to make sure it lasts the night.

 She then curls my hair into beach waves, spraying it with hairspray to make sure it lasts the night

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After taking a look in the mirror I smile and hug Chantelle, who smiles back and pats my dress down.

"Go and slay that red carpet, Y/N!" She giggles.

"I definitely will with this look!" I smile widely, giving her one last hug before leaving.


After arriving at the red carpet premiere, press and the paps begin to take photos, I had invited Tyler as my plus one and he got out of the limo beside me.

"Smile!" The press and paps yelled over the chattering of people and the flashing of cameras. Everyone struggled to get the best shot, all crowded in one small circle.

We smiled as we walked further down the cat walk, getting to the board, they took more pictures as we both posed, at one point Tyler wrapped his arm around my waist and held a firm grip on it while smiling and looking around, I smiled too.

Then I saw Dylan. Who was getting interviewed.

Dylan's P.O.V

"We all heard that you and Y/N broke up, is that correct?" The interviewer asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I answer glumly.

"And how long ago was that?" She whispered.

"Three months." I say, quietly.

I saw that T-Pose had his arm wrapped around her waist, I had to admit, I was jealous.

"Are you here to support her?" She asked.

"Yeah, totally. I mean, she's still my friend and she's supported me so I'll always be here to support her." I answer, nodding.

"Well, I'll let you go to the red carpet, see you later," she smiles "And that was Dylan O'Brien guys." She finishes, looking into the camera.

I walk over to the cat walk where the press and paps were taking pictures, Tyler had walked over to me.

"Hey man!" He smiled.

"Hey, dude!" I reply, bro hugging him.

"How are you?" He asks.

I repeat all the times in my head where I wasn't okay.

"I'm fine." I lie. I wasn't fine at all.

"Awesome." He smiles and then we both pose for pictures, walking further up the cat walk.

"How about Dylan and Y/N in a picture?" One of the paps shout.

Y/N turns and looks at me as my heart races, she nods and then I walk over to her, softly putting my hand on her hips. She puts her hand around my back and we both smile.

Whatever the paps want, they get. You could never refuse or else they'll spread something. Not like they don't already, but you never know.

"Hey, how have you been?" I ask her as she still smiles.

She looks up at me "I've been alright.".

She's lying.

"Yeah, me too." I reply.

I'm lying.

We both walk into the premiere together, the one place where the paps and press couldn't follow us.

I take a seat and everything goes silent as we begin to watch the film that Y/N had starred in. She hadn't sat next to me, she sat over with T-Pose, I knew she would. And I don't blame her, she doesn't love me anymore, and I have to deal with that.

•• Y/N P.O.V

It pained me to say this, but I still love Dylan. His charming looks still caught my eye and when his hand help my hip, even for a split second, I shivered at his touch.

T-Pose had called me to sit down with him to watch the film, so I left Dylan. I still loved him. And now I have to deal with the pain of him not loving me back.

Awe, I thought this one was cuteeee, pt 2? ;)))

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