Oh, Babygirl-St

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"And Y/N's pregnant!" Stuart finished, a grin on his face. His group won, they got their jobs at google. Stuart's life was finally picking up, he had everything he'd ever wanted. A child growing in his beautiful girlfriends womb, a perfect job suited to his perfect amount of neediness. This was all he ever wanted.

"Congratulations!" The office cheered, everyone was happy for him, everyone wanted him to be happy. "I'll organise the baby shower!" Neha grinned.

"And we can get cake." Billy and Nick cheered on, waving their hands in the air. Everyone loved a party, even if it was for babies; as long as there's alcohol there, everyone will turn up.

"Okay great, I'll let Y/N know, she'll be so happy to see you guys again." Stuart spoke, picking up his phone and sending a message to her.


It was months down the line, maybe four. "Stuart...somethings wrong." Y/N spoke gently, holding her stomach. He was there immediately, right by her side, hand on her stomach. "You need to be sick? You need anything? Water?" He asked gently.

They didn't expect anything bad, not at all, they just thought they'd breeze through this pregnancy and have their little boy or girl at the end. "No, something's wrong, Stuart." She whispered, standing up and heading to the toilet.

After what felt like a lifetime of waiting, being stood outside the bathroom because she didn't want to let him in. He was finally tired of waiting and opened the door, he'd finished respecting her wishes by waiting as he was now extremely worried. Y/N was on the floor, holding in tears. Underwear stained with blood. Her legs, the floor where she had been sitting. Dyed a memorable shade of red.

"Oh..." Stuart whispered, crouching down beside her. He tried to be strong, tried not to cry but the tears were sleeping through his defences. He stood the frail girl up, gently taking her hands "come on. Let's go." He whispered softly, shaking his head a little and wiping his tears discreetly.

Once they'd arrived at the hospital, they were seen to almost immediately. "Baby needs to come out as soon as possible." They were told. But they knew it wouldn't be living, they knew they would hold their lifeless baby once, and then never again.

After the whole procedure, Stuart knew he had to be strong for Y/N, but she seemed to be losing the will to stay awake anymore and just wanted to sleep forever. He sat by the crying girl, hands stroking through her hair "oh, baby girl..." he whispered softly, tears streaming down his face as he looked at her "everything will be okay...I promise, it will."

The room was already decorated, just waiting the arrival of the bundle of joy. But it would all be wasted now, they weren't bringing anything home. Now everything just seemed dull. This was their first try, he doubted Y/N would want to try again, not after this bad experience. But only time could tell.

Stuart had been off work for three months now, not mentioning anything to the office. Not about the cancellation of the baby shower either, and it was today. Y/N was in bed, resting, and Stuart was downstairs on the couch, watching TV.

Babies were a sore topic for the couple now, Y/N couldn't cope seeing anyone holding a small baby as she grieved for the loss of her unborn one. Stuart was the glue that kept her sane. Without him, she didn't know where she'd be. However, Stuart hurt too, he didn't like seeing people with babies either, but he wasn't hit as hard as Y/N. He worried for her sometimes.

A knock at the door alerted him of someone's presence, and he jumped slightly, looking towards the window. Once up, he made his way towards the door, opening it to be greeted by the office. "Yay!" Billy spoke, jumping in through the door.

Stuart looked a little taken back, and if truth be told he forgot this was happening. This wasn't on his mind two months ago. "Uh, hello?" He breathed, clearing his throat.

"You've not done much decorating?" Nick spoke as the whole crew walked in. He was confused.

"So, wheres Y/N? Up there with the baby?" Yo-yo grinned.

They must have though she'd already had it and Stuart was taking time off to help. He looked towards Yo-yo, furrowing his brows. His immediate reaction was to be angry, but he couldn't...because they had no idea what was going on.

He finally clocked on, looking at everyone with gifts in their hands. He walked to the living room and took a seat, same with everyone else "I-I hope everyone kept their receipts..." he began, looking at the floor, the tears starting again.

Then they knew what was wrong, they knew exactly what had happened.

"Oh." Neha whispered.

"She miscarried at five months...so, no baby. She's in bed right now, probably sleeping away the day. I'm sorry for not letting you guys know. We're both just going through a bit of a rough patch right now." He mumbled softly, crying into his hands slightly.

The whole office comforted him, taking turns to try and speak to him.

Y/N soon turned up, heading downstairs as she heard the soft voices and crying. She knew the gifts were for a certain something, but pushed it aside, instead moving to sit next to Stuart, rubbing his back gently. He hadn't properly cried yet, she was allowing him to grieve.

"It's not your fault." She whispered to him gently, resting her head on his shoulder.

The couple hadn't been sleeping together a lot, Stuart fell asleep downstairs most nights, and Y/N was healing from surgery. But they still loved each other the same.

After an hour of comfort, the office realise they overstayed their welcome. Stuart and Y/N made their way to their room, holding hands gently, for the first time in a long time. "I love you." They whispered to each other as they got into bed.

"It's no ones fault, we were just unlucky." Y/N said gently to him, rubbing his arm softly. "Maybe we won't be so unlucky next time." She then added.

Stuart was convinced she didn't want to try again, but maybe this was his little glint of hope. "I know..." he mumbled gently, wrapping himself up around her "I'm sorry for being so distant...all we need is each other right now." He spoke softly, playing with her hair.

Maybe you'll get a part 2 if you're lucky. Just had an idea and wanted to express it.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now