Soulmate - Do'b

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They say your soulmate is the one that will truly love you. That you will love. Forever.

When I was 13 I had a choice, to get the soulmate implant or wait until I was found as somebody else's soulmate.

I chose to get it, but the implant didn't just fall off once your soulmate was found, it stayed with you; a constant reminder.

They chose to do the implant in school, stuck three needles in my skin and the implant went inside the needle holes, burying deep into my wrist. Not nice I know, but you couldn't feel anything whilst it happened.

And they also said that when you can't sleep, your soulmate is restless, it happens the other way around too.


0004 days 03 hours 14 minutes 27 seconds

The numbers read on my countdown. It was getting closer and closer and I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know wether to be happy or sad. What if someone was my soulmate and I wasn't theirs. What, don't be stupid. Nothing will happen.

Deciding to put my mind at rest, I take my dog, Milo for a walk. He was a chubby Labrador puppy.

As I walk, I look around. All these people and there is only one for me. A perfect human being just for me. All for me.


0002 days 12 hours 41 minutes 12 seconds

Couldn't this go any quicker? I've been waiting five years for this. And I don't want to wait any longer.


I take a seat in the coffee shop, ordering my usual: a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, sided with a chocolate muffin.

Bobbing my leg to the calming music that they played, I finish my muffin and walk home with my drink, tipping the waitress.

I pull at my straight hair and put my headphones in, gripping my hoodie sleeves with my hands, chewing my tongue.


0000 days 00 hours 10 minutes 02 seconds

My heart beat began to beat faster and faster, I closed my eyes, sucking a deep breath through my closed teeth.

Milo kept tugging on the lead "alright, calm down." I smile.

But Milo yaps, not quite a bark but a small amount of sound came from his mouth.

I chuckle at his fail to bark and check my wrist again.

0000 days  00 hours 06 minutes 04 seconds

Distracting myself, I bury my head in my phone, letting Milo take me wherever as the beat in my chest was rushed.

As I looked up from my phone I go to pick up Milo as a rather large dog walks past.

"Milo? Milo!" I shout, seeing just his collar and not him in it.

I spot a small golden pup walk around the side of a bush, wrapping the lead around my arm I speed walk to catch up to my cheeky pup.

"Milo!" I shout.

Another small yap rings out from around the corner and I walk around, seeing Milo licking a mans face whilst he was tangled in his arms.

The man made contact with me and I began to walk over to him and my dog.

As soon as I was around two feet away, my wrist vibrated.

0000 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

I look up at the man with furrowed eyebrows and he does the same, but then smiles widely.

"You're my..." I begin.

He nods his head.

"And I'm your..." He whispers.

I nod my head and walk over to collect my dog.

"Want an ice cream? It's a lovely day." He smiles.

"Sure, I'm Y/N, and my soulmate is?" I ask.

"Dylan. Y/N is a beautiful name." Dylan smiles widely.


After we exchange numbers, I take one last glance at my wrist, the numbers were replaced with letters.

And the letters read.

Dylan O'Brien.


Yessssss! I loved this one ngl ;)

Dont forget to leave a vote, maybe a comment? Thank you for reading!

Nicole x

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