Asshole - St

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Stuart. He hated my guts and I hated his. After being grouped with him and being put in Lyle's group of 'nooglers' -don't ask, new googlers- we had just never really gotten along, although Nick and Billy had said that 'there's a lot of sexual tension between us' I still ignore him.


It wasn't a long walk to get to the Google complex, only across the campus, but the worst part about it was that my room was directly across from Stuart's. I hate it. I'm sure he looks out the peephole to see when I'm coming out and he'll do so too.

After putting my shirt on, I tie my hair up in a ponytail, and look at my self in the mirror one more time before I head out. I looked decent, I smile at my effort and start to unlock my door, and as usual Stuart seems to as well.

I sigh and lock it, turning to look at Stuart.

"Bitch." He smirks.

"Asshole." I smile sarcastically.

We begin to head down the stairs together and walk to the Google complex, I grab a hot chocolate from the cafeteria along with a blt sandwich. While Stuart was ordering, I walked away and made my own way to our office, taking a piece of paper from Chetty.

"You've won...surprisingly." He sighs.

"Oh, uh, thanks I guess." I smile softly.

He always seemed to come off as annoyed or upset, maybe it was that we won? I don't know. I'm greeted by Neha and Yo-yo.

"Where's Billy and Nick?" I ask, putting the piece of paper on the desk.

"Late as usual." Neha replies.

Stuart walks in and sits straight down, his eyes basically connected straight to his phone. Then around fifteen minutes later, Billy and Nick were rounded up by a joyful Lyle.

I sit on the spinny chair and twirl around in it.

"We won the app on preventing drunk texts, got the most downloads." I smile as Billy and Nick went around the room high fiving.

Lyle talked to us for a while about the next challenge, a helpline. This should be easy, if we all put effort into it.

As I spin in the chair, I notice that Stuart was looking at me, he lifts his phone up and starts to record.

"No. Stuart, please." I beg, still spinning on the chair.

He chuckles and my phone beeps.

'Asshole' the Snapchat says, which was obviously Stuart.

I watch the video over and send an angry face, he replays instantly with 'you're cute when you're angry ;)'

'Thanks bae ;)))))' I reply, smiling. Confused but smiling.

'Don't call me bae, you'll make me horny ;/' the message read.

I looked over at Stuart wide eyed and he laughed. Nick looked over at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you both smiling at?" He asked.

We both shrugged our shoulders.

"Right, we're all heading out for a dinner, as a group. I'll message you all." Billy begins heading out and Neha, Lyle and Yo-yo, I stand up from the chair and go to walk but I'm stopped by Stuart.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now