Accident - St

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"I have never saw that man in my entire life.".

"He saved your life. Be nice. Plus, he's cute too.".

"Shut up mom.".

Stuart's P.O.V

"C'mon, c'mon." I whisper.

"Stewie! Where are you?" Billy laughs through the phone.

"I'm on my way, why are you laughing? Put me on speaker. Nick why is he laughing?" I say, opening my car door.

"Shh, baby don't cry." And with that, Nick hangs up.

I place my phone in the passenger seat along with my wallet and then start my car, pulling out my drive and heading down to Billy and Nicks apartment.

10 Minutes later

Just before I turn onto the motorway, I notice a couple of people crowded around a car, I pull over onto the curb and get out my car, rushing to see what happened. Two cars, only one in good enough shape to be driven and only one driver awake. Where's the other?

"I already called the ambulance." A woman shrieks.

"What happened?" I ask, rushing to the other car.

"Drunk driver crashed into her, we cant get her out." A man says.

"Help me." I say, as I hear ambulance sirens in the distance.

We manage to eventually get the door open of her small car and I pick her up bridal style as two ambulances swoop around the corner, opening the doors and helping me lift her in.

"Does anyone know her blood type?" A rushed voice came from one of the paramedics say.

"It says she's AB neg." A man says, holding up a special pink card from her purse, an exact duplicate of the one I had in my wallet.

"I'm the same." I say.

"We need to do this now!" Another paramedic says, helping me into the ambulance before I pull my sleeve up and let him take my blood, it hurts a little as we drive quickly but its life or death, and I'd hope someone would do the same for me.

"Hey, Neha, I'm not coming over." I say on the phone.

"Why Stew? Whats wrong?" Neha says, worriedly, thank god she's not drunk.

"I'm in an ambulance, they're taking my blood. I'll text you tomorrow morning." I wince as the paramedic pulls the needle from my arm.

"Okay, I hope you're okay.".

"Its not me, see you later.".


"She's going to be okay?" I ask.

"She's going to be fine, you can leave if you want to." A nurse smiles.

"I'm going to wait until she wakes up, her parents will be here soon.".

I lean back in the uncomfortable, ripped hospital chair, playing with my thumbs and looking through the window everyone once in a while at the heart rate monitor, even if a nurse was in there or not. A man and woman rush down the corridor, stopping at the door, I look up at them both and smile.

"Bless you, bless you." The woman exclaims.

I stand up, about to shake her hand but she engulfs me into a hug instead, I hug back softly before turning to her dad, he sticks out his hand and I shake it.

"They told us you got her out of her car and gave her blood, you could've just drove by, but you helped our daughter; it means so much to the both of us, thank you." He says.

"Its no problem sir, I just wanted to wait until she woke up, just to see if she's doing okay, do you mind?".

"No, please, sit.".

I take a seat back down again, small talk was going on between the parents as I closed my eyes, leaning back.


I feel my arm being nudged a little "wake up.".

"Hmm." I whisper.

"Y/N is awake." A soft voice says again.

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright lights.

"I just spoke to her, she wants to see you." Y/N's mum said.

I stood up, straightening my pants and shoving my beanie over my head. Opening the door, and shutting it quietly.

"Hi." I smile, sitting down on the chair beside her.

"Hi." She replies in a croaky voice.

"Are you doing okay?".

"On a scale of one to ten? I'd say a pretty confident three.".

"Better than having to eat a mushroom, right?".

"They're the nastiest thing I've ever ate, it's just the texture, they're gross.".

She tried to laugh but just coughed.

"So, why were you out so late?" I ask.

"I was heading to a friends house," She says "then he came out of nowhere, then just blackness.".

"How old are you?".

"Twenty, and you?".

"Twenty one, I'm going to have to go." I say, standing up and rubbing her hand.

"Wait, what's your name?".



5 months later

"I'm on my way, honestly, I'll be at the club in five minutes." I say, smiling and getting into my car.

I reverse out the driveway and head to the club

15 minutes later

I park up and get out, showing a ticket to the bouncer and him letting me in. I quickly meet the team and Billy and Nick order a round for us all.

After around twenty minutes, everyone gets up and dances, smiling as we all do so. Then, from the corner of my eye, I notice a girl...the same girl that I had saved months before.

"One second." I whisper to Lyle.

Lyle tells the group as I move and they all glare at me walking over to her.

I tap her on the back and she turns around, smiling widely.

"Stuart?" She asks.

"Yeah, hey." I smile back.

"Would you like to dance?".

"It would be my pleasure.".

As we both walk to a section of the dance floor where the music was a little bit louder, the team whistle and cheer.


Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now