Dogs - Do'b

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Y/D/N - Your dogs name.

"Oh come on, Dylan. They're really cute. Look at them." I smile, scrolling through pictures of rescue dogs.

"Y/N, we can't get a dog." Dylan sighs, taking a bite from his chicken.

"Why not?" I frown.

"Because we've never had a dog before. And I'm barely ever home.".

"But im always home, and when you're gone I'd have company.".



"I'll think about it.".

I smile, picking up my fork "thank you.".

"Now shut up and enjoy this wonderful meal that we cooked together.".

••• 3 days later

"Want to go out for a ride!" Dylan shouted from downstairs.

"Yes!" I reply.

I sat at my dresser, fixing my hair up into a braid, I smiled at my handy work and threw on an oversized hoodie, a pair of ripped jeans and some converse.

"That'll do." I whisper to myself before walking down the stairs.

"Hot." Dylan smirks.

"Oh shut up it was very short notice." I chuckle.

"Come on, let's go.".

We walk out the house, locking the door and I jump into the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask, strapping my seatbelt on.

"Just for a nice walk in the woods." Dylan smiles, starting the car and pulling out the driveway.

The scenery was gorgeous, until dogs were barking in the distance. And then a large building.


"What are we doing here?" I ask, stunned.

"Y/N, I changed my mind. We're adopting a dog. And the choice is all yours. We just have to walk it, and then they'll check our house and garden to see if it's safe. And then it's all ours.".

"Aw, baby. You're so sweet. That's why you were working your ass off in the garden.".

"Damn straight.".

We get out the car and make our way to the kennels. They were all so beautiful, but I had my mind set on an oldie. Mainly because they were less likely to get adopted; and they'd cuddle when they're tired instead of barking the house down.

"Oh Dylan, look at all of them." I smile.

"I know, hurry up so we can go walk one, I'm excited!".

I stroll around the cages, all the excited dogs, the nervous ones, the loud and quiet. But they were all so beautiful, and I had to choose just one.

"I like this one." I put my hand through the bars and pet him, he was a white husky with little grey hairs poking from his behind.

He was around 10 years old, it said in his bio that he was very adventurous and loved to play with toys, didn't like cats and made a great family pet.

"Let me go and take my keys in and bring someone out, just wait here." Dylan said, jogging off.

"Hello Y/D/N.".


Dylan was back in no time with an assistant.

And we began to walk the dog around the lakes of the sanctuary. It was beautiful. Yes, Y/D/N tugged on the lead for a bit but he slowed down when other dogs walked by; probably just to show off at how clever he seemed.

••• 8 weeks later •••

Sure it took long for Y/D/N to be allowed into our home and to settle, but it was worth it in the end. We were all happy, and he was a great dog. Even though he did sometimes jump over the neighbours fence and sometimes made us run out in our pyjamas at 7am trying to catch him. Dug holes in the backyard.

But he was an amazing dog, cheered us up, lay with us. Made us sleep on the edge of the bed whilst he took all the mattress. Would never sleep in his bed and would only play with his favourite toy. Took us on walks.

He made us happy. Hell, he had even made the neighbourhood happy.

All the kids loved him, and then Dylan said something.

"I want a baby.".

I looked at him, shocked.


He nods "Y/D/N is great with children, so why not give him one of our own, one of his own.".

I smile.

"Then let's have a baby.".

I'm shit at updating pls don't hurt me

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