Golden Gate Bridge - St

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Billy must've told a joke; in a foreign language. That none of us understood, apart from the Chinese in the Chinese restaurant. Everyone else that didn't have an idea what Billy said just laughed nervously, which was just our table.

"Where the hell did you learn to speak Chinese?!" I ask, astonished. He can't do google but he can do Chinese?

Bully shrugged, smiling "My friend here says there's a club just in town.".

"Then what are we waiting for?" Nick chirps.

We all stand up, paying for our food and tipping the waiter. Now to get the coach to wherever the hell this club was.

"Are you sure you want to go there?" The driver asks.

"Yeah!" Billy shouts, waving his hands around and sitting down.

"Turn up the music!" Nick yells as the driver turns up the music a little.

Stuart was engulfed in his phone, Neha twirling her fingers in her curly black hair and Yo-yo staring out the window, Lyle looking around cautiously. Nick and Billy were singing and jumping around in their seats.

I sometimes felt like the mother. But not so much tonight, everyone wanted to have fun. So I wasn't on guard tonight.


"This is your stop." The driver says, parking the coach on the sidewalk.

"Woop-woop!" Cheers from Billy and Nick were heard from the back of the couch.

We all got off the coach and walked through the silk curtain doors.

Wait-was this a strip club?

Oh my god, it was.

Stuart had his eyes still locked onto his phone, then as a stripper approached, glaring at Stuart.

"Big world up there, buddy." He said, lifting Stuart's head up by his chin.

The stripper grabbed his hand, shoving a finger down her throat.

"Ouh-oh, fuck that's deep." He moaned.

We were all escorted to our table, I took a seat and put my phone in my bag.

Shots were brought to the table, on the house, we all took one in our hand, then Yo-yo spoke up.

"My mom said alcohol rots the brain.".

"Live a little." I smile.

"Just one kid." Nick chuckles.

"Just one." Yo-yo states.

We count down from three, taking the shot.

Then Yo-yo screams, I was honestly scared he was going to throw up, but instead he downed another three shots or so.

"I don't know what to do, Y/N." Neha whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't know what to do in this situation." She repeats.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now