Online Friends - Ss

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"@sstilinski liked your photo"
"@sstilinski liked your photo"
"@sstilinski commented on your photo '😻'"

I roll over from my bed to look at my phone, Stiles liking my pictures once again. Then a FaceTime request pops up on the screen. I answer and Stiles' face pops up on the screen.

"Stiles I've just woke up." I sigh.

"And? So have I babe." Stiles smirks.

"Yeah but you don't have a bed head." I smile.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my hair.".

"It's cute.".

"Like you then.".

Stiles and I had continued our chat until I had managed to force myself out of bed a couple hours later and gotten ready.

I quickly message him 'Hey, I'll message you later. Going out for a meal x'.

'No problem x' Stiles replied in almost an instant.

Stiles and I weren't together or anything, just extremely close. We only met when my friend Liam invited him to a group call.


Liam just called me, so I picked up, there was only him, Grayson and I.

"One second let me just invite someone else we need four." Liam whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Grayson laughs.

"My parents are in bed." Liam whispered again.

"So, Y/N. you look as gorgeous as always." Grayson winks.

"Oh shut up, Gray." I smile.

Then a new face pops up in the screen "hey." He waves, his hands messing with the game controller.

"Hey man." Gray says.

"Hi?" I whisper.

"Why're you whispering, Y/N?" Liam teases.

"Because my parents are in bed." I chuckle.


Stiles and I talked after that, we talked about what we wanted to be when we're older, how bad Stiles' flirting was, where we live; where we want to live.

I took a seat at the fancy restaurant table, smiling as I folded my napkin. This place was beautiful.

My parents smile at each other. That's the kind of love I want, they both look at one another like their love would never run out. I want that.

"We have great news," my dad begins "fantastic actually.".

"Well, go on?" I usher.

"We're moving states." My mum smiles widely.

"What?!" I furrow my eyebrows "and leave everyone I know here?".

"It's my job, Y/N." Dad scowls.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner.".

• 3 weeks later

I had finally landed, in California. I said goodbye to everyone I knew, the lovely old lady next door gave me some of her homemade strawberry jam as a good luck gift. I was going to miss it so much. Everyone promised we would skype every night.

Now I needed to make a good impression at school. Beacon hills here I come.

The principle had showed me around and then took me to a classroom. "Meet our newest student, Y/N Y/L/N, be nice, I want everyone to make an effort.".

I take the empty seat before being tapped on the back by a strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Love your skirt, where did you get it?" She smiles.

"My mom bought it, some vintage store or something." I say, flustered.

"Well, you're totally sticking with me. I'm Lydia.".

"Thank you.".

The bell rings and now I have to find a way to my lesson. I didn't know wether Lydia was going to help or I had to find someone who was on the same class as me but I didn't know what to do or where to go.

"Pass me your time table." Lydia says.

I give her the sheet of paper "here.".

"Awesome, we've both got chem.".

I walk beside her, earning glares of other girls, and most guys. Were they jealous? Was I meant to be walking around with Lydia or was she a bad influence? I didn't know, but I wanted them to stop.

We both stop at a locker, and she opens it, pulling some books out.

Then a small voice.

Stiles' P.O.V

Scott told me there was a new girl today, and she had seemed to be walking down with Lydia.

"I don't understand. How did the new girl get to hang with Lydia and her clique." Tasha said, jealousy ridden in her voice.

"I guess beautiful people herd together. Look, here she is now.".

I watch as Lydia and the new girl walked down the corridor. I know her?

"Y/N?" I whisper.

She turns around. It's her. Oh my god it's her.

"Stiles?" Y/N smiles, her expression was priceless.

I wander over and wrap my arms around her.

"Hey internet buddy." I chuckle.

"Hey Stiles.".

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now