Panic attacks - Ss

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My eyes snap open as my phone begins ringing, I look at the time 3:47. Sighing, I answer the call.

"Y/N?" A rushed voice calls through the phone.

"What's up?" I ask sleepily.

"Stiles is having a panic attack, he needs you." Sheriff Stilinski says.

I leap out of bed "of course, I'll be over as soon as possible.".

"Thank you so much.".

I pull some trackie bottoms on and wrap a jacket around my vest top, I slip on my shoes and walk out the door, locking it behind me. The chilly November air hit my face and I shrugged it off, I'd rather run through this than leave Stiles.

After running around a couple corners and up a few streets, I finally came to the Stilinski household, I walk straight in and run up the stairs to Stiles' room, he was lay upright in his bed; his hands holding his face up.

I drop to the side of his bed, moving his hands and swapping them with my hands, holding his face to mine. Sheriff Stilinski leaves us.

"It's okay, Stiles. Calm down." I whisper, looking into his deep brown eyes as he looks into mine.

He lets out a tear and a muffled cry, I wipe it away.

"I can't." He barely whispers.

"Think about happy things. Think about family.".

He looks at me with his mouth slightly open, furrowing his eyebrows. I shake my head "not family, alright..." I sit on the bed beside him.

His rushed breathing sent shivers down my spine.

I pushed my lips to his, kissing him as he froze before kissing my back, my hands were still steadily placed on his jawline.

As I pulled away, his heavy breathing returned to normal. He looked at me for the longest time before speaking up.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"I, uh. I read it somewhere." I say awkwardly, getting up and starting to head out the door.

He gets up, wiping his puffy eyes "please don't leave.".

I smile and turn around.


Stiles turns the Tv on and we both climb into bed. After an hour of silence he turn and looks at me.

"I'm really glad you kissed me." He smiles.

I smiles back "me too.".

"Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.".

"Goodnight, Stiles.".

He kisses me on the forehead and we both sink into the bed, tangled in each others arms.

It's really short and I've not had much motivation to write, but I've been working on a X Nation 10k fanfic is any of y'all are interested? I'll try to update when I have more ideas.

Nicole x

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