Prom - Ss

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The best night of my entire high school life was coming up in less than a week and I still didn't have a date. This sucked. Lydia said she was going no matter what, but I would rather stay at home and eat my feelings away in a takeaway box.

I glance in the mirror, before rushing down the stairs and out the front door, leaping into the car.

• Stiles' P.O.V

"I'm nervous, man." I mumble.

"No, you're working yourself up." Scott leans against the wall.

"Simply nervous. I got her a ring and everything. Is that too far?".

"A little bit. But you like her, right?".

"Yeah I do. But I don't think she likes me back.".

"I can smell the sexual tension between you two." Scott smirks as I widen my eyes and huff.

There she is, her Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair whipped behind her as the wind swiftly placed the strands of hair behind her shoulders. She flashed me a quick smile as she was about to walk past.

"Y/N. Come here a second." I shove my hands in my pockets, instantly regretting calling her name.

"What's up, Stilinski?" She asks, her pearly whites poking from behind her plump pink lips.

"I-I was-I was wondering if you'd like to come mine tonight for pizza?" Great. Well done Stiles. Real good job.

Y/N's smile fades as she quickly tucks her hair behind her ear, then showing a tight smile. "Yeah, totally. Just drop me a text.".

She began to walk away with Lydia, the both of them immediately continuing the conversation that I had rudely interrupted.

Scott walks over "Dude, her heart literally dropped into her stomach, she thought that you were going to ask her.".

"I know...I just, I freaked out." I quietly mumble.

• Y/N's P.O.V

I thought he was going to ask me. I thought that Stiles Stilinski was going to actually ask me to prom. But boy was I wrong. He just asked if I wanted to go round his for pizza, and it hurt. Yeah, I knew he'd always liked Lydia but i thought that we had something special.

Lunch came around quick and I bought myself some chips with a bottle of water. I hadn't had much of an appetite after I had been turned down. I guess it's my fault for getting my hopes up.

Stiles and Scott accompany Lydia, Allison and I at the table. Everyone joins in a conversation except me, as I absentmindedly pick at my chips, I notice that Stiles shared a few glances at me every now and again.

"So how are you getting home, Y/N?" Stiles asks.

I lift my head from my plate.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I asked how you were getting home." Stiles smiles.

"Well, I was going to walk.".

"I could give you a lift, then we can go to mine?".

"Yeah. Thank you.".

Lydia nudges my shoulder lightly, so I look at her. She smiles.

"I think we should all go ice skating!" Lydia squeals.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure.".

I walk out the school doors; freedom at last. Stiles bumps into me.

"Oh hey." He grins cheekily, holding onto his backpack strap.

"Hi." I smile.

"What was wrong at dinner? You seemed despondent.".

"Big words, Stilinski. They scare me.".

"Well, I hope this isn't a big enough word.".

Stilinski took a deep breath as we entered his jeep. Pulling something from his pocket. Was it a box? What is he doing?

"Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honour of being my prom date and becoming my girlfriend?" He mumbles.

"Stiles...oh my god I don't know what to say!" I smile widely.

Was this really happening?

"A yes would be nice?".

"Then yes! I will.".

• Stiles' P.O.V

'Did of work?' My phone vibrated to a message from Scott. Y/N was tangled in my arms, watching The Notebook and eating pizza.

'Yeah, thank you Scott.' I reply.

'I was kidding, I heard it all ;)'.

'Perv ;('.




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