Fallen out - Dh

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We fell out. After our first time, we argued. He said that it didn't feel right, or two people weren't just made for each other. I gave him my virginity and I took his. And he just said that it didn't feel right.

That night, as soon as he left I picked up my phone and waited; waited for a call from Dave. And it got to late, so I put my phone on the side and lay down, looking at the ceiling.

At around 3am my phone rang and I dived over to reach it. My ex boyfriend Ronnie.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Hey baby, I miss you." Ronnie talks back.

"Yeah uh, I don't-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he yelled.

"Is this about this Dave guy? 'Cause I'm so much better than him!".

"No...not its not Ronnie.".

"Alright that's awesome because I can wait a month for you to be ready for sex. I can wait two month.".

"Can I just go to sleep? I've got four hours to be up for school.".

"Yeah, sure baby, goodnight.".

I sigh and put the phone down, turn my light off and then stare at the ceiling.

The sun shone through the window as I looked around. Barely slept and school. I changed into some comfy clothes and walked downstairs.

"You alright, hon?" My mum asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

I walked over to the table and put down my bag, putting some books in it.

"Are you alright?" My dad asked.

I lean back and take a sigh.

"I met a boy," I begin, my mum stops doing the dishes and turns to look at me "a really amazing boy and I screwed up.".

My mum walks over and hugs me.

"You too dad." I chuckle.

He joins in the hug.

"Alright, I gotta go, I'll miss the school bus." I leave the hug and put my backpack on.

"Are you sure? I could drive you." My dad offered.

"I think I want to take the bus." I smile and leave the kitchen.

After shutting the door behind me I turn around to be greeted by Dave.

"Hey." He says.

"You should tell someone before showing up at their door Dave." I say, walking.

He stops me by standing in front of me.

"Look Dave, I'm going to be late for the bus." I whisper.

"Want me to drive you?" He asks.

I smile lightly and nod my head "yeah, sure.".

We get into his car and he begins to drive me to school, I reach over for his hand and we lace them together, bringing his hand onto my lap, he squeezes it softly and then smiles.

"I didn't mean that it didn't feel right. It just felt awkward, It was our first time, alright? And obviously it was going to feel weird. It was going to be more than weird..." He says.

"I know. I know." I whisper.

He pulls up on the curb and gets out and I undo my seatbelt, Dave opens my door and letsme out.

I stop and smile, he steps forward and I step back a little, he sighs and drops his arms to his side.

Thanking him for the ride the bell goes and I begin walking through the walkway to get to the entrance, I stop and listen to all the commotion and chattering of the other students.

"Fuck it." I whisper.

I turn and run back over to Dave and he looks up at me, walking back to the side of the car that I got out of, leaning against it.

His hands instantly grab onto my hips as my lips meet his, we move in sync for a while before we move away from each other, catching our breaths.

"I love you Y/N." he whispers.

"I love you too, Dave." I whisper back, connecting my lips to his once again.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now