Cuddle me - Ss

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I walk out of school, tucking my loose strands of hair behind my ear, I walk to the car park and lean against Roscoe. Stiles' car, I sort my bag out and put my hoodie on. Stiles always drops me off but I'm always out earlier than him.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Stiles smiles, walking over and leaning on his car.

"Hey, you ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll drop us off at yours.".

"What do you mean your dropping us off at mine?" I giggle.

"Because, you're helping me with math." He pushes me into the car softly.

"Woah. You're eager.".

"I've got homework that needs to be in tomorrow." He jumps in the other side of the car and starts it.

I pull my knees up to my chin and rest my head on them, sighing to myself.

"Stiles I'm tired." I whisper.

"Well after this we'll have a nap." He smiles, pulling into my drive.

I open the door.

"Hey mom, dad. Stiles is helping with homework!" I shout whilst Stiles and I run upstairs.

"Alright, what time do you want pizza?" My mum says.

"Nine?" I ask.


I pull out my calculator and some paper.

"Right, you ready to start?" I ask, typing some equations into my calculator.


"C'mon or else you'll be driving home.".

"Nooooo, please.".

Four hours later

Y/N Moms P.O.V

"Honey, your pizzas ready!" I shout.

No reply? Hmm that's weird, she'll always run down when I shout food.

"Honey?" I shout once again, beginning to walk up the stairs.

I open the door and smile softly.

Stiles and Y/N cuddling up in bed with all paper scattered on the floor.

I quickly take a picture of them both, this is so cute!

Y/N P.O.V 6 a.m

I snuggle closer to the person on the other side of my bed...wait. I open my eyes to see Stiles Stilinski.

I didn't think he meant nap together but I ain't complaining.

Nudging his shoulder, his eyes slowly open.

"Woah." He mumbles, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah woah." I smile.

"I guess we were really tired..." he sighs, getting up.

"Yeah." I get up after him.


I re-tie my converse for the one hundredth time, sighing to myself, this was last period. Stiles had been ignoring me all day, and I wanted to find out why.

Earlier Stiles' P.O.V

"Scott, yeah I like her but what if she says no?" I say, waving my hands around in exaggeration.

"Stiles, I'm a werewolf. I'm one hundred percent sure she like you too.".

"Yeah, but what if you're thinking wrong?".

"I will rip your throats out. Now go ask her, alright?".

"Yeah, gee. Calm down." I walk away from Scott to Mr.Harris' classroom whilst he catches up with Allison, there was no way I could avoid Y/N. It was impossible. And that's because she sat right next to me.

I slump down in my seat, waiting for her to walk through the door, and there she was.

She sits and doesn't look at me for a while until she finished writing a paragraph.

"Have you been avoiding me?" She asks.

"No, uh I actually want to talk to you?".

"That's more of a question than an answer but sure.".

"See you at my jeep?".

"Yeah." She whispers, writing more things down.

I study her for a while, the freckles on her jawline, the small spots dotted around her forehead which she hated. The way her tongue stuck out when she concentrated.

She was beautiful.

1 hour later

I basically run to my jeep, just waiting there for her. It was raining but I wasn't going to sit inside and wait.

"Hey." She smiles, holding her shoulders.

I passed her my coat and she smiles widely.

"Uh yeah, would you, uh. This is really hard for me to say. Would you like to go-" I couldn't finish the rest of my sentence because she interrupted.

"I would love to go on a date with you Stilinski." She giggles and wraps her arms around me.

"That was easier than expected. But thank you because I felt like I was going to drown.".

She smiles once again and then gets in the car.

"Thanks for letting me wear your coat. It's really warm." She turns the radio on.

"That's why I bring it out." I chuckle.

We both bob our heads to the radio and sing along to every song which we knew. Tonight was going to be amazing, and I could spend it with an amazing girl.

((Eyo. Sorry it's short it because my eyes hurt and my fingers hurt and everything hurts. But I'll update tomorrow as usual. Also, requests are open, please send them innnnn because I have nothing to write aboutt. Thank you my loves xoxo))

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