Notes - Do'b

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I placed my books on the desk and sit down, opening the English book and writing down the date.

Dylan walks past and sits beside me.

He flicked a piece of paper onto my desk, I smile and open it up.

'The way I see it, you're barely going to be able to stand tonight!' I read in my head. Chuckling, I write my reply 'and what makes you think that?' I throw the piece of paper back to him.

He lets out a scoff before scribbling down on it and throwing it me back.

'Maybe you can't handle it?'

I furrow my brows and put my finger to my lips 'I'm sure I can. Babe' I wrote and then throw back.

A girl who was sat on the other side of us looked confused, and that's when the teacher walked past.

"Dylan," he holds his hand out "pass it here.".

"B-but I-I." Dylan stutters, my heart froze.

"No buts, pass it here." Mr.Graham mimicked him.

Dylan dropped the paper into his hand angrily.

Mr.Graham opens up the paper and looked shocked at what he was reading, he gave us both a stern look and walked to his desk, picking up his phone and began messaging.

"I'll need to talk to you two after school." He said sternly, not looking up at us.

The whole class turned to face us, before looking back and continuing to write into their books.

I sigh and put my head in my hands, I'm going to be in so much trouble.

End of school

The end of the day came so quickly, and I was dreading walking back to English class. Dylan bumped into me on the way and we laced our hands, our minds elsewhere

We both walked into the classroom to find both our parents sat down and the chairs moved to face the desk.

My mother looked angry and my father looked even angrier, not to mention the look on Dylan's parents faces. He must've shown them the note.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N." My mum said, patting a seat next to her.

Dylan's parents did the same and I let my hand rid of Dylan's.

"We're here because of these vile messages that you two have been sending around my English classroom." The teacher starts.

"You didn't tell us you were in a sexual relationship!" My dad shouts.

"Because we're not!" I shout back.

"What makes you think that we're going to believe you?" My mum then says.

Mr.Graham looks amused by all the shouting and arguing.

"Because she's telling the truth." Dylan joins in, looking at his feet.

My parents look at Dylan.

"Look, if we were to have sex, we'd do it when we're both ready...and that's not the right time, not now." He adds.

"But that's what was written on the note Dylan." My dad says. Leaning over his chair.

"Yes, so what did you mean?" Dylan's mum looks over at us.

"It's Friday, alright? And we were both planning on throwing a party while you were out for the weekend." Dylan mumbles.

"You were what?!" His dad shouts.

"Going to throw a party, it was going to be awesome. Until he showed up." Dylan mumbles again.

"You're grounded. And you're not going out for a week!" His mum shouts, clipping him around the back of his head.

His dad drags him out the room but he holds onto the door.

"Hey, at least I'm not fucking your daughter." He laughs and then gets pulled from the door.

I shrug as my parents look at me wide eyed.

Sorry for very slow updates. Nothing is really motivating me to write. ;-;

Nicole x

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