Used - DO'B

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"You have a month, to get the stiff girl laid, y/n." He smirked.

"Pft, easy. 3 week and a hundred and fifty dollars." Dylan smirked back.

"Risky Dyl, it's a deal." He smirked again, before leaving the dorm.

And here I am now. In love with a deal that was only meant to be a quick fix for some money that I needed.


I spot her, smiling to herself as she scribbled some notes in her book in the library. I wander over, running a hand through my black hair.

"Anyone sitting here?" I ask, smiling a little whilst pulling the chair out.

She looks up, smiling while her dimples dented in her cheeks "no."

I take a seat, looking over at her notes "you come here often?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's quiet here." She smiles.

"What's your name?" I ask.


"I'm Dy-" I begin before she interrupts.

"Dylan. I already know, everyone does."

I chuckle a little "everyone?" I ask and she just nods, licking her lips then pulling out some chapstick and applying it. "Listen, I've heard you're good at math, so I was wondering, if you wanted to be my tutor since I'm pretty terrible." I say, getting straight to the point.

She furrows her brows and by the time I think she's going to say no she smiles, nodding her head softly.

I smile widely, leaning back on the chair and shoving my hands in my pockets "dorm room?" I ask.

"124." She replies, looking at me and then putting her head back into a book.

I nod my head, looking around in my pockets for a pen, she smiles and hands one from across the table to me, I smile back and scribble her dorm room number on the back of my hand, passing her the pen back.

She nods her head, taking the pen softly and then scribbling notes down.

"I'll see you later, y/n." I smile, getting up and pushing the chair in quietly.

"See you later, Dylan." She smiles, not looking up from her notepad.

2 hours later

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, straightening my shirt out. The door opens and I'm met with y/n in her lounge clothes. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, she wore a large jumper with some shorts on and a pair of fluffy socks.

"I got tired." She smiles, letting me into her dorm.

"That's okay."

She opens the door wider, letting me in. I smile, stopping and looking over at her. She shut the door and ushered he into her room, it was small, but it was so pretty.

The white walls complemented her pastel pink bedsheets, which we were sat on, scribbling down in both our notebooks.

I look over at her, entangled in her own world, explaining to me the values of different letters in equations. I quickly snap out of it when she looks up from writing to smile at me "did you hear any of that?" I smile back, gingerly, looking at the way her eyes crinkled slightly when she was smiling, I chuckle slightly "does it matter?" I ask, still smiling.
"Yes!" She sighs, yet still smiling nudges my shoulder, I smile again "I mean, it's just letters. Math is meant to be numbers." I raise my eyes brows.
She squints her eyes "math is going to help you in the future."

I look over at her, taking a deep breath, my fingers moved a strand of hair behind her ear softly. She looked up, smiling a little. "It was annoying me." I shrugged, using my hand to prop my head up.

She smiled, continuing to explain to me. I look up at her and sighed deeply. Her eyes met mine and stayed there. "Are you not bored?" I ask, tilting my head.
"No? Are you?" She frowns slightly.
"Yeah...but not of you of course," I chuckle nervously, running a hand through my hair "lets go somewhere."

I lift myself off her bed, leaving my notebook and taking her hand, lifting her up too.

"Where are we going?" She asks, throwing a jacket and putting some shoes on.

I lead her out her dorm "I don't know yet, I've heard the bench over there is quite pretty this time of night." I smile. Closing the door gently, we walk down the stairs then out the large glass doors, heading towards the isolated bench.

Whilst I sit down and look up at the stars, y/n had her legs crossed and was facing me. "What?" I ask, turning around to her.

"Why are you even talking to me? I thought you had popular friends." She moves a strand of hair from her face.

I place a hand on her bare knee, looking at her. "My friends are pretty dumb. It's nice to talk to someone with actual intelligence."

She chuckles, looking at my hand then back at me.

"And," I begin as she squints her eyes "I think you're really pretty." I finish. Her cheeks turn pink.

Truth is, y/n was actually really pretty, and I'm going to regret doing this to her.

She smiles softly, I start to lean in, my lips connecting with hers for a couple of sweet seconds before she quickly pulls away. I frown slightly.

"I'm sorry, we barely know each other. I think you're super attractive, Dyl. But we need to get to know each other more." She blushes again, looking up at me.

"Dyl? I like the sound of that. And no problem, princess, I got you." I smile.

Another truth is, y/n is actually a great kisser, something I didn't expect from her. And her lips, well, they left me wanting more.

"Princess?" She chuckled, raising her eyebrow.

"It suits." I nod my head, looking around, then meeting her eyes again and smirking "want to go somewhere to eat?"

"Dylan, I'm in a really big jumper and shorts. I don't really look my best at the minute." She replies, shaking her head.

"Oh come on, it's not like anyone's going to complain." I wink, standing up and taking ahold of her hand.

She sighs and stands up too, I link her arm and she chuckles, looking ahead. I point over to the small cafe on campus.

"There?" I ask.

"Why not." She smiles.

We start to head over to the cafe, linking and walking down the well lit pathway, enjoying each others company.

Omg look who updated? Issa me.
I noticed that loads of people voted on my imagines and I just wanted to say thank you so so much. I don't really update anymore but I guess I was feeling pretty productive. I don't like this but I hope you do. :) I'm considering making a couple more parts for this so it shouldn't take as long as it did to make me actually update one part.
Also, thank you so much for 4.61k!!!! You guys are crazy! I love you so much.

Nicole x

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now