Scribbles - Do'b

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Dylans P.O.V

I glared down at my arms, the ink began to grow as the beautiful patterns appeared. I didn't want to ruin their canvas so I just watched. The flowers or little scribbles were just so mesmerising.

"Dylan." Tyler said.

I look up quickly, pulling my sleeves down.

"Huh- what?" I ask, awkwardly.

"I've been saying your name for five minutes. Wake up.".

"I can't. I'm seeing art.".

Tyler lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm sure you'll find your soulmate. How come you never draw?".

"Because I don't want to ruin their canvas.".

"You have two hands.".

"I know.".

Tyler shuffles his feet, adjusting his backpack as the bell rings.


I enter my class room, just as the second bell goes off. Im instantly greeted by a smirking Mr.Watkinson.

"I hope you've got your homework, O'Brien." He smiles, almost creepily.

I curse under my breath, taking my seat.

I don't, what a surprise


The English lesson went so quick. But I cursed once again. I thought he'd forget about the homework.

"Can you all put your homework on the table, Damien will collect it." Mr.Watkinson sneers.

I roll up my sleeves to find out my soulmate was doodling again. I smile, taking my pen and turning to my other arm; listening to what Tyler said before, drawing a smiley face. Then a quick reply, a small flower.

I attempt to draw a flower but obviously theirs is better than mine, they reply with another flower.

Damien walks past me and I pull my sleeves back up, Mr.Watkinson walks over.

"Dylan. Stop talking to the person on the other end, take this." He passes a note, my detention note.

"Thanks." I sigh.


I sat at the dinner table, stabbing my fork around in my food.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asks, taking a drink.

"I can't come to bowling tonight. I have a detention." I sigh.

"How long?".

I take the not from my pocket "an hour.".

Tyler winces "unlucky, man. What did you do?".

"Not do my homework.".

"That's shit.".



Detention came so quickly. And I was sat in the small art room along with two girls and three guys.

I buried my head in my arms, closing my eyes.

"Dylan." Miss.Richards asked.

"Here." I sigh.


"Yeah." Y/N speaks softly, pulling paper from the back.

"Andrew and Clive.".

"Yeah and yep.".

"And Millie."


The register was finished, and everyone got back to being quiet. The guys were at the back listening to music, Millie was on her phone, Y/N was drawing and I just wanted to go home to go to sleep.

I roll up my sleeves once again and draw on the arm my soulmate doesn't draw on. I pull out my pen and draw a couple scribbles, lines and whatnot.

Then my other arm lights up with ink, spirals, flowers. My arm was a canvas put to good use. Who ever was on the other end of this was a god damn artist. And it was great.

I smile, trying to copy their drawings on my other arm. But as usual, I failed. Then I looked around. I saw Y/N drawing on the arm. Her left arm. The arm my soulmate draws on.

It couldn't be. Y/N was amazingly pretty, but she never spoke to me.

I wandered over to her, sitting down beside her and rolling my sleeves up.

"What're you drawing?" I ask.


I jump in shock, my pen falling out of my hand at the voice that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh. Sorry, just scribbles." I smile, picking my pen back up.

Dylan rolls his sleeves down.

"Can you...can you draw for a second?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say, drawing and then looking over at his arm.

My scribbles were on his arm. He was my soulmate?

"You're my soulmate." Dylan whispers.

"You're my soulmate." I whisper back, obviously in shock.

It took a while for it to sink in. Dylan. Was. My. Soulmate.

But I've barely ever talked to him.

"Want to go out for food after this?" He asks.

"Yeah...sure." I nod.

"What are the odds?" He smiles.

"No homework." I reply.

I'm still amazed...1k reads is hard to sink in. Thank you so much.

Nicole x

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now