Pregnant - Do'b

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My face dropped at the sight of the pregnancy test. Oh no, does Dylan want this? If he doesn't what am I going to do? Abort my first child? God no, if he doesn't want it he doesn't have to see me or him/her anymore.

I walk down the stairs calmly, containing my excitement and nervousness. Dylan was putting some bread in the toaster.

"Morning Y/N." He hugged me softly.

Should I tell him now? No, I'll wait until dinner later on. He was taking me to a restaurant, just a little time alone together.

That's when I'll tell him, it should be better and I think I'll be more confident.

"Good morning." I smile, pecking his cheek.

"You seem happy, what's up?" He smiles.

"Nothing I'm I'm just excited for dinner." I squeal.

"Well, theses a new dress in a bag upstairs in the wardrobe, I'm heading out, I'll be back soon." He grabs the toast of out the toaster and shoves it in his moth while making a funny face.

4 hours later

I sigh, turning off the tv and heading up the stairs, pulling out the bag from the wardrobe.

A black sequinned dress, it was beautiful.

But Dylan should be home by now, right?

I put the dress on, also putting the promise ring that Dylan gave me when we were just teenagers. Young love right there.

Sitting at my mirror, I put on some light makeup. I looked decent, and that's what mattered, I was making that small amount of effort.

The door opens and closes. And then keys rattle as Dylan throws them in the bowl.

"Sorry I'm late. I'll be up in a minute." I sigh, putting down my mascara wand and putting it back on the bottle.

"Okay." I shout down the stairs.

10 minutes later

It was now five, and we were ready to go out to the new restaurant in town, the car drive was only half an hour and we had already sat in our table at about 5:43.

"I'll have the chicken thighs with peri chips please." Dylan said.

"Can I have the chicken thighs just with chips please." I say, politely.

"Of course, drinks?" The waiter asks, his nose twitching as he does so.

"Wine." Dylan says, smiling from across the table.

"Of course." The waiter leaves.

15 minutes later

Food had arrived and we both just started, as soon as we were halfway through that's when I wanted to break the news.

"Dylan?" I ask, I hadn't drunk any wine what so ever.

"Yeah, what's up?" Dylan looks up from his food and phone.

"I'm pregnant." I smile.

"Your what?" He asks, gobsmacked.

"Pregnant." I say once again, the smile fading.

Dylan got up out of his chair "I'm sorry." He said before leaving the restaurant.

Everyone had their eyes on me now. Embarrassed, I slowly got up and left, everyone still staring until I walked out the doors.

Tears flooded my eyelids.

I picked up my phone out of my clutch purse.

"Hey, what's up." A voice boomed through the phone.

"Tyler...he left." I whimper, a tear dropping in the cold, hard ground.

"What? Where are you?" Tyler asks.

"The new restaurant, please come. He's gone, he walked out. Tyler, I'm pregnant." I whimper again.

"On my way, wait there." He says rushingly.

I sit on the curb, looking around for Tyler's car, and then he pulls up right on the curb next to me.

"Oh god." He runs out the car and engulfs me in a hug.

"If you need somewhere to stay your welcome at my place, I'll pick up all your things from Dylan's tomorrow." He mumbles.

"Thank you so much, Tyler." I say.

We both get back into the car and drive to Tyler's, where I'll be staying for the next week or so.

"Hey, Tyler?" I ask.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asks, looking at me quickly then back on the road.

"I had a savings jar back up there, from when I was a primary school teacher and then a waitress," I say "I had at least a thousand in there. I saved it all up by myself.".

"Want me to get it for you?".

"Please, and then as soon as I will get another job and get out of your hair.".

"Your welcome to stay for however long you want, just as long as you don't bring strangers in.".

"Don't worry, that won't be happening.".

I look out the window and watch all the hides pass by, just as we turn into Tyler's drive, a bit of rain drops on the wind mirror.

"Lucky we got in before it starts hammering it down." Tyler chuckles.

"Yeah." I try to smile.

"Come on, let's get you some pyjamas and Netflix and some takeaway." He says.

Tyler always knows how to make me happy, even after the worst thing in the world could've possibly happened. He'll always be here for me, no matter what.

He orders some Chinese, put the tv on for me and gave me some of his tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie.

"You look like a right numpt." He chuckles.

"It's the look I was going for." I giggle back.

"Want another hug Y/N?" He asks.

"I would love a famous Posey hug.".

He rolls over the couch and hugs me again, chuckling to himself.

Dylan doesn't want this baby, and he sure as hell ain't coming back. I'm going to raise him/her properly, like a real mother would. I don't need a man, Tyler would be his uncle and godfather, that's all this little baby would need.

"Thank you for doing this Tyler. You didn't have to but you did." I smile.

"Anything for my best friend ever!" He squeals.

The Chinese arrived and we both ate it whilst watching 'What we do in the shadows' which was basically a documentary about vampires, this took my mind off Dylan, and that's what I liked.

Once again, requests are open and appreciated, part 2? ;)

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