Clubbing - Do'b

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I sit on my chair in front of my mirror and admire myself. I admire myself because this is the best I've ever looked since breaking up with my recent ex. I thought he loved me but he didn't, and I understand why. Who would choose a daisy in a field of roses?

My phone rings and I instantly pick it ups

"Hey bitch!" Y/BF/N shouts.

"Hey, you can't just lower my self esteem before we go out." I joke.

"We're coming to pick you up, well, were already here. So get out.".

"Alright, see you in a minute!".

I end the call and walk downstairs, taking my packet of chewing gum and popping one into my mouth. Walking out and locking the door, I smile at Y/BF/N and Leela. My two best friends, ones that I have know since I can remember. I jump in the car, we blast the radio and begin to head off to the club that had recently opened up.

Leela parked the car and I get out, taking in the club; lit up my multicolour neon lights. Red Ivy, the blue and red sign read.

"Let's get our drink on! First shots on me!" Y/BF/N shouts, walking into the club.

I smile and follow behind them, walking through the doors, people were swaying around, the dance floor glowing and a small karaoke in the background. They had a seating area and a pool table, a dartboard. It was beautiful really, I think I'm going to have a good night.

Leela and I took a seat at the table and I shuffled in my seat, getting comfortable. Y/BF/N brought the shots over and we all had one each, then smiled, then another one.

"Hey, Y/N, look over there. That guy it totally checking you out." Y/BF/N smirked.

I looked over to where she was pointing and Leela stood up, telling us that she wanted to dance with a cute guy, we nod and she struts over to a guy.

"He's kinda cute." I whisper.

"Y/N. He's hot! If you're not going to talk to him, I will.".

"Let's just wait till he talks to one of us.".

Y/BF/N chuckles "I was joking." She passes me another shot and we both take one and stand up, heading to the dance floor.

In the next ten minutes of dancing Y/BF/N was pulled to dance with another guy. I walked over to the bar, ordering a drink.

"Vodka and lemonade please." I ask.

Whilst waiting for my drink, the cute guy who was looking at me before sat on a barstool beside me.

"I'll have the same, here's the money." He says, smiling over at me.

"Oh, no. That's okay." I smile.

"I got it, what's your name?".

"Y/N. And you?".

"Dylan. That's a very pretty name by the way." He winks.

"Yours too. Well, not pretty. But uh- you know what I mean.".

He chuckles and we take a sip from our drinks.

"Would you like to dance?" He asks.

I look over at Leela and then over to Y/BF/N, they were having a good time. So why can't I?

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now