Sing for me - Do'b

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Y/BF/N - your best friends name.

I sat in the music classroom, singing my heart out to my best friend who was smiling. After three years of her teasing me because I was to shy to sing to her I finally did it, and I think she loved it.

"That. Was. Awesome!" She squealed.

"Told you I could sing. At least my mum says I can sing." I laugh.

"Well you bloody can!" She squeals again, we both walk out the classroom.

She looked around for a moment before turning to me again.

"You see that guy right there?" She points.

"Mhm." I answer, putting my phone into my pocket.

"He was watching you through the classroom window, with the door cracked open a little." She smiles.

"Oh great, just what I need, him spreading that I was singing and it was bad." I sigh

"Oh shut your face! You were amazing, and for the record, he was totally checking you out".

I smile, opening my locker.

"I'll see you soon, Amber's calling me," Y/BF/N says, picking up her phone "what's up, hoe?".

I sigh and shove a book in my small locker, why couldn't they be big? This is like hell trying to shove a maths book into a tiny locker.

"Need some help?" A deep voice said from behind me.

I quickly turn around, holding my chest.

"Oh god, you scared me. And please." I say, the guy smiles and puts my book in my locker so it stays and doesn't move.

Wait, wasn't this the guy that Y/BF/N was pointing at?

"Thanks, I'm Y/N." I smile.

"Dylan." He answers.

I put the padlock on my locker and begin to walk off.

"Hey, wait," he shouts and i turn around "I heard you singing earlier.".

I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear and look at the floor.

"Oh, don't remind me." I say.

"You were amazing, I play guitar. It'd sound more amazing if we could, you know, play together." He shuffles his feet.

"Totally, my house is free tonight, my parents are in Greece, if you're free, bring your guitar." I say, pulling out a piece of paper from my bag, I grab a pen and write my address on it, passing it to Dylan.

"Great, I'll see you tonight, bye Y/N " he smiles and walks away.

"Bye Dylan.".

One hour later

I bob my knee, finishing my last sentence in my book, I re-read it and make sure I haven't messed up -which I usually do- but this time I haven't.

Jordan, my English partner turns and looks at me.

"Is Dylan coming yours tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah? Why?" I ask.

"He thinks you're well fit." Jordan laughs.

"Tell him thanks...I guess." I answer back, putting pen to paper and begin writing another paragraph.

The bell rings and I grab my bag, putting it on my shoulder and walking out the classroom then down the stairs. I hated these stairs, why don't they just put escalators on, it'll be so much easier and I won't have to collapse when I walk up them.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now