Fight - St

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"How about you jump in my car and we'll have some fun?" Someone hollered over at me.

I rolled my eyes and gave him the middle finger, all I wanted to do was to go and see Stuart and walk to class with him; although being cat called along the way had to be included.

I wasn't necessarily an ugly girl, but I wasn't one of the prettiest either. I was in the middle, there were a lot more girls who were up the charts, but, on the guys list, right at the top was my best friend Stuart. I guess everyone seemed to get into the nerdy type, glasses, a beanie. It just made every girl...horny, gross I guess.

Stuart was my best friend, and obviously I liked him a lot, maybe more than I should. But I didn't want to show it because I knew he would never like me back.

I saw him standing at his locker, his hands digging into his pockets, searching.

"Guess who, Twombly." I tease, my hands covering over his eyes.

"How about...Y/N?" He chuckles.

His hands hold mine as he turns me around, smiling.

"You left this at mine." I say, pulling his phone from my pocket.

"Aw, thanks! I've missed this.".

"And without it, it seems like you've had enough sleep.".

"Oh, don't lecture me about sleep.".

I smile, giving him a small hug.

"C'mon, let's get you to your lesson." Stuart smiled.

Because the bell hadn't rung yet, people were littered around the hallways and the staircases.

"Hey baby." A random guy called out.

I sighed as Stuart glared at him.

"Just leave it. They're a waste of time." I whisper.

We walk further down the hallway.

"Hey, whore." Another guy calls.

Stuart instantly turns around, anger etched onto his face.

"A whore I'd like to get in my bed." The guy winks.

Stuart storms over to him, pushing him against the wall.

"Stop! Stuart! Stop it! It doesn't matter." I tell.

"Yes it does!" Stuart yells back, receiving a punch to the cheekbone. "Stay away from my girl.".

Did Stuart just say 'his girl?' Am I his girl? Does he like me back?

It goes on, and then I jump in the middle of them both; stopping them.

"Stuart, you're hurt." I sigh.

I take hold of his hand, leading him to the nearest bathroom. Which was a guys bathroom. But Stuart needed to be taken care off, and now.

Pulling some paper towels from a box, I wet them and start to dab his face lightly, him wincing every now and then. Only the cuts remained, and he was going to bruise like hell.

"Stuart, I told you to stop." I whisper softly, continuing to dab at more blood that had seeped through his wounds.

"He called you a whore, Y/N. I'm going to stick up for you not matter what." Stuart attempts to smile.

"Did you mean it?".

"Mean what.".

"You called me your girl.".

"F- I can't help having feelings for you...and you don't choose to fall for someone bec- and I just like you a lot and it's okay if you don't like me back, but I- yes- oh my god why do I even try?!".

Stuart grips the hair at the back of his head, throwing his beanie on the floor in anger.

"Stuart. Please, just calm down." I lean over to pick up his beanie.

"No. No I won't calm down. I'm annoyed, and no girl should ever be called a whore and I'm just a failure. Aren't I? I can't do anything right.".

And to shut him up.

I kissed him.

Our lips moved passionately in sync. The way I felt for Stuart was honestly something I've never felt for anything or anyone before. It was magical.

We both pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity.

"Did I ever tell you that you have them most beautiful eyes?" He smiles.

"Yes. Yes you have." I chuckle.

His hands connect with the back of my head and he pulls me closer to him. My lips connecting with his once again.

"I love you, Y/N. And I have done for the longest time. Would you do the honour of being my gorgeous girlfriend?" He asks.

"I never thought you'd ask. Now, let's get out of here before someone see's me.".

I lace my hands with Stuart and cautiously open the door, then a guy walks in. I smile and walk on further out, he looks confused and seemed to look back at the sign on the door. But when he looked back again, Stuart and I were already halfway down the hallway, hand in hand running.

I finally have my love.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now