Im fine - Ss

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"I'm fine. Yeah, aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness. The constant overwhelming fear that something terrible is about to happen. I'm fine.".


The soft wind whipped my Y/H/C back as I walked into the school. I smiled at Stiles and he waved back. Lydia grabbed my wrist as she pulled me to the cafeteria.

"There better be some toast there." She frowned.

"Lydia, I'm sure there is." I chuckled.

"We better go and get it before someone else does then.".

"Alright, alright.".

Her eagerness to get a piece of toast stunned me, maybe she was really hungry. I had gotten used to not eating breakfast int he mornings, only because I would rather sleep in an extra ten minutes.

After she eats her toast, we both walk back to the entrance again, just until the bell signalled us to go to class.

A large group of people surrounded someone outside, so I took Lydia to check it out with me.

After pushing through everyone, I saw Stiles slowly getting up from the floor. Small stones, dirt and blood seeped from a cut on his cheekbone. He tried to swing a punch at the other person but failed, only to be threw back to the ground again.

He got up and walked out the school gates. I have a glance at Lydia before rushing off, following him. But I was to late, he got into his jeep and drove away.

I jumped into my car and drove to the place I knew he would go straight away. Home. His dad wasn't there so he could be alone and not be confronted or sent back to school.


I pull up into his driveway and walk straight through the front door, jogging up the stairs. He sat on his bed with his head in his hands, shaking.

"Oh, Stiles." I whispered sympathetically.

He looked up quickly at me and then looked back down. I kneel down in front of him, examining his face.

I walk into his bathroom and take some cotton pads, wetting some of them. I then bring some rubbing alcohol.

I kneel back down and he doesn't look at me, before I open my mouth to speak, he looks at me.

"I'm fine.".

"Keep saying that, Stilinski. I know you're not."

"I said I'm fine, Y/N." He speaks louder and sterner.

"This might hurt.".

I put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and dab it as softly as I could on his cut. He winces, gripping into his covers.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just picked a fight with the wrong guy." He said, still a deathly grip on his covers.

"Tell me.".

"He was talking about you. He was talking about how he was going I use you. Manipulate you. I'm not letting anyone speak about you like that.".

"Thank you, Stiles. That's really sweet.".

I smile, wrapping my arms around his torso. He froze for a moment before standing up and wrapping his arms around me.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now