Hot - Do'b

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((For OwenHarker he gay af be prepared))


It was Dylan's house party, everyone was dancing. I left my car keys in Dylan's bedroom, only because he said I could. I'm not going to lie I was pretty tipsy, so I knew I wouldn't of been able to drive home. I just needed to make sure I'd grabbed them before I left to get a taxi home.

I stumbled up the stairs, tripping up quite often, every three steps or so? I couldn't tell I was to focused to get to his room.

After only a couple of drink I didn't even realise I had made it fully up the stairs just to put my foot high up and then bang it back down to fall into the door.

I swung open Dylan's bedroom door, Dylan was looking out the window putting on a t-shirt, he was a little tipsy too.

He turned around and stared.

I was staring too, i mean, who wouldn't stare. After a while I realised what I was doing, and then fell into a rosy, red blush. Wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead. And that's when I started to imagine what I wanted to do to him, well, what I wanted him to do to me.

Around two or three minutes later, I grabbed my keys after another fit of blushes.

"Shit." I whispered to myself.

"Don't gooooo." Dylan chuckled, clumsily walking over to me.

Before I realised what was going on, he had me pinned against the wall, a soft trail of kisses planted down my neck.

"You know," he began "I never thought about being gay. But you just turned me, you actually so fucking sexy." He hiccuped.

I laughed nervously, I could feel his member stretch through his tight, skinny jeans.

"Dylan, do you know what you're doing?" I ask, nervously.

"Yes, and I've wanted to do this for a long time.".

His hand reaches my member, paling IT through my jeans.

I let out a soft moan, just before being shoved into Dylan's bed. The sheets smelt exactly like the cologne he always wears.

He kisses a sweet spot on my neck and I yelp, he smiles, as if he'd unlocked an achievement.

"Dylan, you don't have any idea what you do to me." I mumbled.

"I do." He says, unbuckling his belt, and then throwing his pants half way across the room. I unbuckle my belt in a hurry.

His hard member barely fat in his maroon boxers, I never knew he was this big. Tonight was going to be a night I would defiantly remember.

And it was only because I was beginning to sober up.

"Stop rushing, are you nervous." He spoke, crawling onto the bed.

"Slightly." I whimpered.

"Do I make you nervous?" He smirked.

Do I lie? "Yes." I say.

"Good." He tugs on the waistband of my boxers.

I pull them down, he holds my member with his large hands, pumping up and down and then he licks the tip, looking at me in the eyes the whole time.

He flips me over and then places his member at my entrance, moving in slowly, I forge out a moan.

"Oh we've barely even started yet, sweetheart." He moans.

After getting used to him inside of me, he puns in faster "Owen! Fuck!" He moans before releasing himself inside of me.

"Fuck!" I moan louder, he moves closer to me and whispers in my ear "maybe you can be the dominant one next time." He says softly, nibbling on my earlobe.

I let out a cold shiver before we both get into his bed. His arm wrapped around my waist, letting out a soft sigh on the back of my neck making me shiver once again, I hope he won't regret this, just like I won't.

(( Hope you like it, and I hope your feeling okay soon ❤️))

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