Peak - DO'B

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"So, how are you feeling, Dylan?" The interviewer asks.

This thing was being broadcast live, and I was sat on the couch at home watching, a smile on my lips.

"Well, to be honest, I think I've reached my peak." Dylan replies, the biggest smile on his lips. He knew that I was watching this.

"You think? Tell me how." The interviewer then asks him, handing him the microphone.

"First of all, my careers never been better, I've been getting job offers left, right and centre. Secondly, my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing fiancé is watching this at home, with my beautiful baby boy and girls too." Dylan said, licking his lips as he looked towards the interviewer.

The interviewer looks a little confused, and the crowd quietens down. Lucas is perched on my lap, watching his daddy through the tv. "Dadda." The words come from his lips smoothly and I smile, nodding my head.

"I thought you only had a little boy at home?"

"Well, you see. Y/n's pregnant. It's twins." Dylan replied "and I don't think my life could get any more better than it is now."

"Congratulations, Dylan! Thats such good news."


"Lucas, my boy." Dylan's voice is heard through the doorway, as Lucas toddles over to him. Dylan picks him up, lifting him in the air. He's two years old, we left a little gap in between pregnancies, but we were extremely happy either way.

"You've reached your peak, huh?" I ask with a small smile, putting the cupcakes in the oven before setting the oven mitts on the kitchen counter, turning my body to face him.

Dylan walks over with Lucas still clung to his waist. He leans down, pressing his lips to my stomach where he mumbled a "my girls." He then smiles, leaning up again and pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you." I smile softly, looking to him. My hand absentmindedly goes over to rub my stomach. Dylan hadn't been home for a week due to shooting his new film, and Lucas and I have missed him like crazy.

"I love you too, sweetheart." He spoke, a smile on his lips "have they kicked while I've been gone?" He asked, his hand tracing over my stomach, his touch light as if he was going to hurt me as he did it.

"Not yet, that's another two weeks until they start to get more active." I spoke "you're gonna be here for that, aren't you?" I then ask.

Being with Dylan was hard, somedays he had to get up and go, and other days it seemed like he didn't have to leave at all. But it was worth it, it was so worth it. I am the mother of his children and his fiancé.

"I'm gonna try my best. I'll take time off for more scans if you want to do that. And I promise I'm going to be there from the very start when you go into labour." He spoke, his tone serious.

Dylan has missed most of Lucas' birth. He got there at the last minute, just as Lucas got out. He didn't miss that, but I wanted him there to comfort me and tell me everything is going to run smoothly. It did, but I wanted to hear it from him.

"Okay, thank you." I smile, pressing my lips to his again.


"Dylan! It's time." I shout. I had just woke up, a pain already shooting through my stomach. It wasn't my due date until two more weeks, but I figured that they had been getting big, and they wanted to come out now so they had more room.

Dylan quickly woke up, looking at me "are-are you sure?" He asks, standing up quickly.

"Dylan, I'm really fucking sure." I groan loudly, holding my stomach as I stand. A rush of water flies down my legs.

"Are you okay? What's that?" He asks quickly, throwing some clothes on.

"I need to go to the hospital now." I mumble, walking right by him.

It hurt, a lot, but as soon as I got there, I was top priority. Dylan looked a mess, like he hadn't had much sleep at all. He was beside me, holding my hand. I screamed a lot when I had Lucas, this one wasn't as bad because I just squeezed Dylan's hand and bit my lip through the pain, of course I let out a couple of pained screams though. I was told that once the first baby came out, then the second one would come right out just after.

"You're doing perfect, Mrs.O'Brien." The nurse spoke.

We weren't married yet but I didn't want to make a comment about it.

"Will everything be okay? Will it be fine? Are they gonna be healthy?" Dylan asks all sorts of questions.

I raise his hand, bringing it to my lips and nodding my head gently, even though he didn't aim his questions at me at all.


"Olivia! Maisie!" I yell, shaking my head. They were playing, and it got out of hand "please stop, you're meant to be sisters and play nicely." I speak.

Three years had passed.

Lucas was now five, and the girls were three.

Dylan walks through the door again, looking exhausted. I did too, I've been home all day looking after the kids, he's been shooting since four In the morning.

The kids instantly rush to greet him.

"You okay, babe?" I ask softly, looking towards him.

He wraps his arms around the kids, giving each one a kiss on the forehead before standing to greet me "Yeah, just really tired." He whispered, pecking my lips.

"Alright, who says we go and tuck daddy into bed?" I ask, a smile on my lips.

Dylan chuckles "sounds like a plan." He spoke.

It was getting late anyway, and the kids needed to be in bed soon too. Everyone heads upstairs, kids being carried.

We go into mine and Dylan's room, making sure everyone wraps Dylan up, but then the kids get in too, snuggling as close as they could possibly get to him. I smile, taking a picture on my phone before climbing into bed with them too.

"Our family." Dylan whispers, closing his eyes.

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