Beta - Ss

953 20 2

Y/E/C - Your eye colour.

Stiles' P.O.V

"Stiles!" I hear Scott shout.

"What?" I ask, shutting my laptop quickly.

"I made my first beta today." Scott jumps through my window as I jump.

I nod, turning in my chair to face him.

"She was sick.".

"Do I know her?".

"I don't think she wanted me to say her name.".

Y/N's P.O.V

I grab my books, then locking my locker, I was going to see Stiles today. My boyfriend of four months.

I look so much more healthier. My acne cleared up off my forehead, my hair looks healthier. I feel healthier. By a lot.

Scott walks up to me, I smile, twisting my hair around my finger.

"I almost told him." Scott says.

"What!" I angrily whisper, I felt my head pound for a moment.

"Y/N stay calm.".

"How can I!".

My eyes flash, I drop my books everywhere. I let out a low growl.

"Not now! Y/N stop, calm down!".

I let out another growl before storming into the girls bathrooms.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. My eyes were flashing, I stared at myself for a moment in the mirror.

Stiles. Stiles. Stiles, happy thoughts, I'm meeting Stiles tonight. Stiles.

My eyes go back to the normal Y/E/C they always were. I smile weakly. This is how I need to be, stay calm. Stiles is my anchor.

Think of him when your angry. When your annoyed. Get it into your head Y/N. Alright.

I open up my handbag and pull out my makeup, wiping my under eye with a tissue I re-apply my concealer.

I can smell Stiles, his scent is so strong I could smell him from anywhere, this makes me even more calmer.

Walking out of the bathroom, Stiles' eyes meet mine, I smile before walking up to him and hugging him tightly.

"What's up? Are you okay? Scott told me what just happened." I breathed in his scent.

"I'm fine, just tired, you know.".

Before Scott changed me, I was dying slowly. It started as hard to notice, just before it was fully visible. I wanted him to do it, it was die or have the bite and have a fifty, fifty chance of changing or dying.

I was growing weaker and weaker by the second, sometimes missing days of school, just because I couldn't get out of bed. I barely ate or drank, having regular trips to the hospital. They didn't quite know what kind of thing it was in my body that was killing me slowly, but I knew my time would come right to an end if I didn't ask Scott.

He did it, he bit me. And I thanked him. He's changed my life for the better. I owe him.

Time skip

It was the end of the day and I waited in Stiles' car as I always came out before him.

I turn the radio on, fastening my seatbelt and pulling my knees to my chest.

Stiles jumps in and smiles at me. I smile back, tapping my fingers to the beat of the song.

"Oh for gods sake." Stiles mutters.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now