Someone else - Ss

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Stiles P.O.V

"You know, she talks about you all the time. She really misses you. She loves you, you know that right?" Scott says, putting his hands in his pockets leaning against my car.

"She's in love with someone else, I'll never be more than a friend to her. It breaks my heart just watching them walk down the corridor together, him making her smile. I want to do that, I want to make her smile." I say, sighing.

"You do. Trust me, you do.".

"But it's not good enough is it? Because I'd have her falling for me instead of him.".

"Give her time.".

3 weeks before

"Stilinski! Wait up." I head a soft voice shout.

It was Y/N, I put on a really big smile and she runs up next to me.

I wanted to tell her that I loved her, and I've loved her for a long time.

"Hey, how are you? Want a lift home?" I ask.

"No thank you." She smiles widely.

"Why what's up?" I ask, frowning.

"See that guy over there?" She points to one of the popular guys.

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"He's my boyfriend." She smiles, jumping up.

I felt my heart drop fall out my stomach. I felt like it was bing sliced, trampled on, then threw into a trash can.

I put on a smile, just because it was her and I wanted her to be happy.

"As long as you're happy." I say.

"What? Are you okay?" She frowns.

"Perfect." I whisper lightly.

She gives me a big hug and wanders off to her new boyfriend.

From then on, she had her boyfriend around her house instead of me. They slept over. Ordered pizza. Watched films.

They did everything I would've done with her over the weekend. I keep a close eye on her new boyfriend, he's called Nathan.

I watch them walk down the corridor, hand in hand. Her laughing at one of his jokes as he pecks her lips.

He doesn't love her like I love her though.

I could be a hundred times better boyfriend than he could ever be, he's using her till he gets what he wants, them he's going to leave her; I already know his trick.


"Yeah, I love you too, see you soon, bye." I put the phone down and lie in bed.

It's been three weeks since I've been with Nathan, and I love it. He's so kind and caring. Although I do miss Stiles.

I was going to message him but he won't reply and I know he won't, our friendship has gone down the drain, he barely even looks at me no more, it's like I was never there.

Someone opens the door to my room.

"Hey princess." Nathan says and he climbs into bed with me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask, turning to face him.

His hand rests on top of my hip, he smiles.

"Yeah, I'm fine, are you?" He smirks.

His hand moves to my shorts.

"Baby?" I look up at him.

"What?" He asks, his hand still resting on my short line.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now