Warm showers - Te

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He was fast, fast because he needed to be.

Day in, day out, we map the maze trying to find a way out for all of us gladers, we've been searching for three years. And I hate it.

I hate waiting. I hate the fear of being stuck here forever. I hate it, I hate it all.

I also hate have a skull crushing crush on a runner called Thomas. The guy who I run with. His gorgeous black messy hair, bushy eyebrows and deep chocolate eyes, with perfectly tan skin and small moles neatly dotted on his cheeks.

He was perfect.

"Hey Y/N, good mapping today huh?" Thomas says as we both walk into the map room.

"Yeah...uh, I guess so. It's just repetitive but yeah." I answer, pulling my hair out of the ponytail it was in.

He looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"You look so cute." He chuckles.

"Haha, very funny" I smile, putting the bobble around my wrist.

He frowns and shoves his hands in his trouser pockets, staring at the maze model that Minho made two years ago.

"Alright so I covered this half, and found nothing as usual." I sighed, putting my hands on the table.

"Well, actually Y/N. I found that the vines grow faster now." He smirks cockily.

"Oh really?".

"Yes really.".

I laugh to myself and run a hand through my Y/H/C hair, pulling out a twig.

Thomas laughs, and then he runs his hand through his hair and pulls out a leaf. He shakes his head and smiles, throwing the orange leaf on the floor.

"C'mon I'm starving." I say, walking out the map room.

Thomas follows behind, quickly catching up to me.

"Hey, how come you always get the best bit of the food? It's no fair, I always get the crust." He sighs, dropping his hands to his side.

"Because Frypan loves me more than he loves you." I shove Thomas lightly.

"Well maybe I love you more than Frypan does.".

"Maybe but do you serve food?".

"I could...if Fry let me.".

I laughed and grabbed a plate, Fry putting some food on. I grab a knife and fork and sit down next to Newt and Minho.

"How was the maze?" Newt asks.

"Same old.".

Newt chuckles and eats more of his dinner.

Thomas sits across from me, poking around with his food, I laugh and eat some of mine.

"See! She always gets the best bits." Thomas cried, poking Minho from across the table.

"Calm down man, and because she's special." Minho replies.

I smirk sarcastically, poking my tongue out at him.

Thomas chuckles and grabs a fork full of my food from across the table.

"Hey!" I shout.

"I'm starving and I've already ate mine." He gave me puppy eyes.

"Well you should eat slower." I comment, poking my tongue out.

I push my plate up to Thomas and he looks at me with wide eyes, I shrug, standing up.

"I need a shower." Whimpering, I make my way to the hammocks, grabbing a towel and some clean clothes to change into for when I'm done.

Walking to the washrooms, I strip of the sweaty, dirty clothes I'm in, pulling them off of my body.

I turn the shower on a jump right in, not wanting to loose any precious water. I run my hands through my greasy Y/H/C hair, making sure to get to the roots.

The washroom door opens.

"Y/N, you in here?" A voice whispers.

"Yeah." I say back, it was Thomas.

"Okay, I need to ask you a question.".

"Hit me.".

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Yes!" I shriek.


He walks into my shower cell and puts his clothes over the stall, I smile. That was quick!

"Turn around." He whispers.

He grabs the shampoo bottle and begins to shampoo my hair, massaging my scalp.

Slave labour. My new boyfriend.

He rinses the shampoo out and then starts again with conditioner, only going the ends of my hair. I really needed a haircut, my hair is way to long to handle. Especially when I run and it's really hot.

Thomas finishes up and I begins to shampoo his hair, he chuckles.

10 minutes later

We both walk out of the washroom together in a fit of giggles, Alby turns around the corner, staring at us both. We instantly shut up.

"And what were you two doing?" He asks sternly.

I shrug.

Thomas pipes up "you said you wanted us to save water.".

Abby walks away; his head shaking and small laughs could be heard.

I push on Thomas' shoulder lightly but he just laughs and gives me a really tight hug

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now