Dont talk to me - St

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Graham. The guy who was way to big for his own boots.

"Hey honey. How about you let go of that nerds hand and come on a date with me?".

You weren't supposed to date an intern but you and Stuart had to break the rules a little bit there.

Stuart peered over my shoulder.

"Got something to say...buddy?" Graham smirks, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, uh. How about you stop trying to flirt, you're getting nowhere." Stuartchuckled.

Graham gets up out of his seat and walk away.

"C'mon guys, were gonna go get a bite to eat." Nick and Billy walk over.

"Alright, c'mon Stewie." I say, getting up.

We arrived at a Chinese place. Billy was telling jokes and literally everyone in the restaurant laughed.

The waiter whispered to Billy just as I finished off my sushi and wiped the corners of my lips on a napkin.

"Right guys. This guy just said there's a club a few blocks away, you up for it?" Billy asks.

"Yeah." Everyone shouted.

I smiled at Stuart.

10 Minutes Later

We walked in. This was honestly not what I expected.

"There's a big world a few inches up, trust me." Nick says.

Nick didn't know about us being together, I can't blame nothing on him.

A girl walks up to us and grabs Stuart's hands.

He moans and she shoves on of his fingers in his mouth "ouh...fuck, that's deep." He moans.

She walks everyone to a table, but takes Stuart to a different one where she sits on his lap, giving him a lap dance.

I hold my tears back. He's not even intoxicated. Not even one drink.

Grabbing a shot i drink it, and then take another one. Nick holds onto my shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to keep doing that?" He asks.

I fake a smile "I'm just having fun. You know, like everyone else here." I stare directly at Stuart.

"Oh my god. Your dating Stuart! If you want me to drag all the guys out here by their little boners I will, Y/N. it's up to you.".

"I'm just going to walk home. You guys have a good night. I'll see you soon." I wave Nick off.

He gives me a sympathetic smile before I walk out the door.

Next day

I lay into bed before Stuart clumsily walked through the apartment door. It was unreal how much I cried last night.

"Good morning." Stuart smiled.

I sigh and turn around to face the wall.

"What's up, are you alright?".

I ignore him once again, how could he do that.

"Giving me the silent treatment? That's nice, how about you look at me and talk." He says more impatiently.

I get up out of the bed and walk to the wardrobe, I didn't look at Stuart. My eyes were puffy and my cheeks were red.

"You're just going to fucking ignore me? What the fuck have I done?!" He shouts.

"Don't talk to me." I said shakily.

"Fine. I'll see you soon." And with that he barged out the bedroom door.

Stuart's P.O.V

"So, what did I do last night? Y/N won't talk to me." I say, laying down on a beanbag.

"Broke her heart." Nick said.

"Shattered it." Billy continued.

"Into a million pieces." Nick finished.

"What did I actually do?" I say, becoming more and more impatient.

"You got a lap dance from a stripper you asshole." Neha mutters, loud enough for me to hear.

"What?!" I shut getting up.

"You heard." She turns around to face the computer.

"Well fuck." I whisper to no one in particular, rubbing my eyebrows and sighing.

"Hey, we won the thing by the way." Y/N struts in.

"What?" Yo-yo says.

"Yeah, Chetty just walked over and told me." She looks at me...well, stares.

A look of pure horror spread across my face, oh no. What've I done, why did I do this to her?

"Can I talk to you, now that you're talking?" I get up, looking at Y/N.

She walk out the room and I follow behind her.

"I'm so fucking sorry." I say.

"That's nice." She mutters.

"Please, none of this shit will happen again.".

"Maybe we just need a break. You can have that same stripper bouncing around all over you? That can get sorted. But our relationship...that can't, not right now." A tear slips from her eye.

"Let me just do this first.".

I wipe the tear from her cheek and kiss her soft lips, before turning around, walking back into the room and sticking my phone in my face.

God. Why me?

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now