Drunk in love - Ss

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I had staggered around the corner from a party that had just been broken up by the cops; not drunk, just tipsy...well, maybe a little drunk.

The girls had left me to walk home alone, I tugged on my fluffy jacket, trying to keep myself warm in the chilly 3am air. But of course, it was of no use. There were only a few cars that went past, obviously sending a few confused glares at me. But I didn't care.

I carry on walking down the path, with every step coming closer home, and a lecture off of my parents when I tell them what time I came home. Only a couple more minutes. Then, I spotted a blue jeep parked halfway across the pathway on the other side.

Me being curiously drunk, I decided to see what was wrong. A lanky boy leant against the car as I kneeled down beside him, he looked up.

"Hi." I smile.

"Uh, do I-do I know you?" He asked.

"No, I'm Y/N.".


"Let's go and cause some trouble, Stiles.".

We walk hand in hand down the path, my brain was becoming fuzzy and then not, all in a cycle. After getting some toilet roll from Stiles' house, we managed to toilet paper a couple trees in someone's front garden. And then a couple more.

The rain began to dribble down from the grey clouds. Stiles and I were still walking beside each other. Laughs escaped our mouths as we told jokes to one another; and might I add, they were all terrible.

"Stiles, guess what." I whisper, almost standing on my feet.

"What?" He asks.

"I need to go home.".

Stiles sipped at his whisky that he managed to also grab from his house.

"I can walk with you.".

"No, you'll know where I live and the FBI will come to see me.".

"And? I love them.".

I quickly peck Stiles on the lips and trod off in my black heels.

"I love you!" Stiles screams.

"Shh, my dog is coming for me.".

"So what happened last night, huh?" Y/BF/N said, teasingly passing you a paracetamol.

"I don't know, I can't remember most of it. Just a boy." I wince, the pain growing in my head.

"Ooh, what did he look like?".

"Cute, I don't know I forgot.".


The bell rings as I hold my ears, trying to block the noise.

• Stiles' P.O.V

I walk beside Scott. I wanted to remember last night. But I couldn't, everything was a mad blur, especially her face.

Scott tapped me on my shoulder as I quickly stopped thinking and looked at him.

"What you thinking about?" Scott smiles.

"Oh, just, just last night." I reply, finding my hands interesting.

"What happened last night, or, what do you remember last night?".

"A girl, a really pretty girl. And I'm sure we held hands.".

"Great, let's go find her.".

I froze for a second staring at him "you can't be serious.".

"Give me the clothes you wore last night.".

• Time skip to next day because I'm lazy ;((

Scott and I walk back into school, after smelling my clothes from two nights ago, he smiled, and now we were on a hunt for a girl.

"Now, you're sure you don't know her name?" Scott whispers, flaring his nose.

"Scott, if I did, why would I ask you to sniff her out for me?".

"Good point.".

Scott smiled every now and then, and then pulled a face. I glared at him, taking a seat in the library.

"What's up." I ask.

"She's here." He smiles.

I smile, leaning back in the chair, Scott and I stand up. I follow him down the corridors.

"You see that girl there, the one with the Y/H/C? That's her." Scott points.

"Y/N? Wow, really? She kissed me." I whisper.


Scott urges me to go and talk to her, just as she got up to go and cue. I walk over and stand beside her.

"Hey, you probably don't know me," I begin as she smiles "but a couple nights ago -two actually- we actually went out at night.".

"Oh, oh. Was that you?" She asks.

"Yeah, I know. Not the best guy to be around with at 3am.".

"No, I totally loved it. Maybe we should go out more often, here, my number." She passes me a note.

"You're joking, right?".

"No, call me.".

"I'm Stiles.".

"I'm Y/N.".

lol I'm an awful person, okay good night, let me just watch a Shane Dawson podcast...or two. Or all of them ;((

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