Serious - Do'b

953 18 0

3 Days Earlier

"Yes!" I shout over the loud music, gesturing for Y/BF/N to get me another drink.

She smiles and shimmys off, swaying her hips in a funny way, but she was still gorgeous.

I'm surprised all the boys around here haven't been falling to her six inch heels, begging her for a chance.

I see my boyfriend Dylan in the crowd, attempting to shove his way towards me, I smile. I hadn't saw him in ages and I didn't even realise he was here, so I was happy.

"Hey babe." He gives me a quick peck on the lips before wrapping his hand around my waist.

"Hey, I didn't realise you were here." I whisper in his ear so he had a better chance of hearing me.

"I'm going in a minute!" He shouts back, I frown.

"But I haven't saw you in a while, we barely message anymore.".

"I know, I'm really busy, I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you.".

We dance for a while before Dylan leaves, I grab my drink and sip at it, looking around.

"What's pecking your head?" Y/BF/N asks, swaying her hips to the music.

"Nothing. I think I'm going to leave, I'm super tired, I'll see you tomorrow." I say, finishing off my drink and placing the empty red solo cup on the table.

I walk home alone, it's only around the corner so I didn't really mind. Even though I do just want Dylan to walk me home and lay in bed with me whilst we watch a film, but that's not going to happen, so I'll do it by myself.

Unlocking my door, I walk inside and lock it again, petting my cat Monty as he comes to greet me.

"Hello baby." I sigh to myself.

Sometimes I feel like I talk to the cat more than I talk to Dylan.

I strip myself out of my tight dress and get into some comfy pyjamas, filling up a glass of water and getting some paracetamol for tomorrow morning.

Sighing, I turn around in my cold bed and fall asleep.


I sit crying on Y/BF/N's couch, she comforts me and stokes small circles into my back.

"Y/N honey, want me to tell you something?" She says.

I look up at her and nod, my face flushed red.

"Just give him three days. Wait three days, not texts, no calls, no nothing. And then see if he comes back." She continues rubbing circles on my back.

"What if I can't wait three days though? I always give in, always." I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my jumper.

"You see the thing is, if you keep running back to him and he gets of on it. He knows that he won't have to make the effort because you keep rushing back into his arms. Why not give him three days and make him realise 'oh shit, it's serious. I'm really loosing her!'" She looks up at me.

"But what if he doesn't come back, what if he doesn't message or call?" I ask.

"Then why would you want to be with someone like that? Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want you?" She looks at me sympathetically.

"You're right, can we also order pizza?".

She chuckles "three days Y/N, three days. And then you'll know he's serious about it." And with that she picks up the phone to order the pizza.

2 Days Later

My phone buzzed and I smiles, looking at the text.

It was Dylan!

'Hey babe, sorry I haven't spoke to you, super busy and I know that isn't an excuse for me ignoring you. Want me to come round and watch the notebook with you? I'll bring snacks xxxxxxxx'

I smile, typing a reply back quickly.

'I was wondering when you were ever going to ask! xxxxxxxxxx'

Y/BF/N was right, maybe he thought he was loosing me. But tonight is going to be amazing, and I have to thank Y/BF/N for that.

((Really short but I'll be updating more regularly, please send in requests so I know what y'all want to read, Nicole xox))

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