Chemistry - Do'b

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"So, how did you two meet?" The interviewer asked, her microphone held out to the both of us, smiling widely.

I glanced at Dylan.

"Y/N had been casted for the role Addison, and I, Tommy, her love interest." Dylan smiles, looking around at the audience and then towards me.

"He wanted us to meet to see if we had good chemistry together and worked well; we did. Meaning we both got our roles in this amazing film, and Adam was proud too as he thought we had fit the criteria of our characters really well." I finish off.

"Well, we do have some bloopers here to show all of you, how about we take a look?" The lady smiles.

"Oh no." Dylan buries his head in his hands as the audience chuckles, everyone averts their eyes to the rather large screen.

Beginning of bloopers ~

I stood, looking at Dylan in the eyes.

"No, we can't. I have...I go to the toilet I'll be back in a moment don't go." Dylan mumbles in a sing song voice.


"And after all this! All of this nonsense! Just because you are not the...queen?!" I frown at the end.

"Yes! It is because I am not the queen! How did you know fair Addison?" Dylan shouts and leaps up from the couch.

"What the hell." Adam laughs.

"No, it's not funny. What's my line?" I chuckle.

"But I want to be the queen." Dylan frowns.


"What's my line?".


"What's my line?".


"Does anyone know what my line is?!".


"I forgot my lines! Urgh!".


"What's my line?".


"So how are you feeling?" Adam asks a smiling Dylan, but his face instantly drops.

"I'm nervous, but it's alright. I think." Dylan whispers.

Adam flips the camera to face him "it's the kiss scene." He whispers.


"So how are you feeling, Y/N?" Adam asks me.

"Great, not nervous. I just had a tuna sandwich and haven't brushed my teeth, ready to go and gross out Dyl, let's go!" I shout, laughing and opening the door of my trailer.


"You deserve oscars! Both of you, wonderful actors!" Graham said as the character Jackson.

"No, no. We're not that good of actors." Dylan and I say in sync, then stare into the camera smiling.

End of bloopers ~

The audience cheer and clap at the bloopers.

"So, do you remember the kiss scene?" The interviewer asked Dylan.

"I do. Yes, I do. But I think that it would have been better if Y/N had brushed her teeth." Dylan chuckled.

"Be a man. I wanted to gross you out." I smile as the audience lets out a chuckle.

"I hate tuna, chicken is the best." Dylan winks.

"But chicken doesn't smell bad." I wink back.

"How about we take some questions from the audience?" The lady says, a couple people put their hands up and camera crew behind to make their was over to them.

A little girl stands up after being chose "I, I actually have a gift." She smiles, her chubby cheeks were tainted pink and her hair up in pigtails.

One of the camera crew talk to her.

"Wait! Can she bring it up?" I ask.

"Yeah, that would be cute." Dylan joins in.

The little girl jumps in happiness and makes her way over to us, wobbling up the stairs.

"Here you go." She chirps, handing over a box of chocolates and a couple of garden flowers strapped to a teddy bear.

"That is so cute, thank you so much!" I smile, wrapping my arms around the girl and hugging her.

Dylan sets the gifts down on a little table and gives her a hug before he hobbled back to her parents, they looked tremendously happy.

"Thank you." Dylan smiles.

Pictures were on a power point behind us, and the audience burst out into a fit of laughter as the one where Dylan was sleeping in his trailer and I came along and sharpies his eyebrows, forehead, chin and cheeks whilst pulling a cheeky grin.

A boy stands up, asking his question.

"We all know that you had chemistry on set, but was there any off?" He asked.

"There sure is, Dylan and I love each others company; wether that is watching a movie together in our pyjamas with pizza or going out for the night." I answer.

"Well, I was waiting for this question to come up sooner or later," Dylan rubbed the back of his neck nervously "Y/N, would you do the honour of becoming my lovely girlfriend?" Dylan kneeled down, taking my hand in his.

I pulled him up and jumped into his arms, nodding my head quickly and muttering 'yes' into his ear.

"This better not be acting!" The interviewer said.

"I'm one hundred percent sure it's not." Dylan smiles, holding my hand.

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