Ships - Do'b

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"Please welcome, the famous Dylan O'Brien and Y/N Y/L/N!" The microphone guy shouted, I didn't really know what to call him, but we're going to stick with that.

We both waved and sat down in our chairs.

At least four cameras were around us, in different angles so they could get the best shots of us.

"So, everyone knows that you two have romance in Teen Wolf, is there any outside?" The interviewer asks.

"Well," Dylan starts "Y/N is an amazing girl and such a talented actress. And she's really beautiful." Dylan smiles.

"Can you back that up?" The interviewer asks me.

"Well, I love Dylan, he's so amazing and such an awesome guy, he's advanced so much in his acting career, he's really special to me. I mean, we always hang out and he calls me up like 'yeah, I'll be over in ten minutes put a movie on I'll bring pizza' so his visits are often and unexpected." I chuckle.

"Great, what is your ship name in Teen Wolf, because of what we know, your character is called Emily and Dylan's is Stiles.".

"It's Stemily." Dylan and I both answer at the same time.

"Does anyone here ship them?" The interview asks the audience.

Everyone puts their hand up, smiling and chattering to one another; looking around the room to see who else supports the ship.

"So that's everyone? Who ships them in real life?" The interviewer chuckles.

Literally everyone's hand in the audience stayed up, everyone looking around again.

I blushed, smiling lightly.

"Woah," Dylan's mouth opens widely "see that? We should totally date now." He laughs.

"Maybe soon." I answer.

Dylan smiles softly.

"Do we have any questions from the audience?" The interviewer asks.

"How do you do the making out scenes?" A girl asks.

"Make out." Dylan answers.

I hit Dylan softly on the arm.

"Woah-hey! Ouch!" He shouts.

Everyone laughs.

"They put the cameras in certain places, or basically looks like we all make out. But it's all lies." I smile.

"What? No, sometimes we make out." Dylan interrupts.

"Fine. Sometimes we make out." I sigh in defeat.

"She loves it!" Dylan shouts.

The audience burst out laughing as I hide my face in my sleeves.

"Noooo." I whisper. Everyone laughing again.

1 hour later

"Yeah, want me to walk you to your trailer." Dylan asks.

"If you want." I say, wrapping my arms around my waist, shivering a little.

"Aww, you cold?" Dylan asks.

"A little, I'll be okay as soon as I get in." We both begin walking.

"Alright, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while, alright? And I just really freaking hope your reaction is amazing." He begins.

I smile and nod.

"It doesn't matter." He sighs loudly.

I look over at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh." I sigh back, looking at him.

I stop at my trailer opening the door. Dylan looks at me before standing on the trailer steps, putting a hand behind my waist and another one behind my neck.

I let out a shaky breath. Looking right into his dreamy hazel eyes.

His lips land on mine, I freeze for a moment, before kissing him back, my hands traveling up his back.

He pulls back, looking at the ground and walking off, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I jump off the steps and run to him, standing in front of him, lifting his chin up to make him look at me.

"You do not kiss a girl and then walk away." I say, leaning towards him.

"It was a stupid idea." He mutters.

"If it was maybe I wouldn't of kissed back." I whisper.

His hands slip behind my waist once again, pulling me closer.

"Maybe." He smirks, looking at me.

I plant a soft kiss on his lips and he follows me to my trailer, where we finish of what Dylan started.

-insert winky face ;)-

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