Classmates - Do'b

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Y/H/L - Your hair length


My Y/H/L blew lightly as I opened the classroom door, the instant smell of smoke and burning came to my sense and I winced. I took my usual seat next to Luke. He never did anything, just corrected me when I was wrong or took over if he said that I wasn't doing anything right. But I didn't mind. I had my mind focused on the boy in front of me. Dylan O'Brien. A hot guy. And only a year older than me.

I glared at the back of his head, I had no where else to look at, of course. So I just dazed off the rest of the lesson. After all, Luke would end up doing it all for me anyway.

I've been sat behind Dylan for around two or three months now, he barely ever talks, but when he does, it just comes out as laughter. And he has a great laugh.


"Right we're changing seats, everyone up on their feet, lets go." Mrs.Brightson smiled cheerily.

"Can I have Rachel and Georgie sat next to each other, then Callum and Molly and then Dylan and Y/N." I took a seat, placing my pen on the table and opening my book.

"You can open some windows if you're cold, and if you get cold, put on a jumper I don't mind. But today we're looking at microscopics!".

Microscopes were handed out and as were little bowls full of water.

"Put these under your microscopes and write down what you can see, then I'll tell you what to do next.".

Dylan looked over at me.

"You can go first." He pushed them microscope towards me and then the little cylinder full of murky water.

I adjust the light on the microscope and look through the scope. Tiny little plankton swimming. I smile and pass the microscope over to Dylan.

"Here you go.".

He takes a quick look through, a smile appearing on his face. Obviously amused by the swimming plankton.

"Plankton." We both agree.

After a while of writing down what else we could find, new cylinders were handed out.

Dylan looks at me in confusion.

"There's little mites in your eyelashes, it's amazing how many there are just on one. I want you to look at each other's through the scope. This will get you talking, you're going to be sat in this seating arrangement for a while. So talk, talk, talk." Mrs.Brightson wittered on.

~~~ 2 weeks later ~~~

"Good morning, Y/N." Dylan smiles as I walked through the door.

I smile back "morning Dyl." My hands finding a way to wipe my Y/E/C eyes through all my bags that I was carrying.

"How are you?" Dylan smiled.

"I'm just tired.".

"This is my favourite lesson you know.".

Dylan winked and nudged me softly, his hands fiddling with his pen.

"Oh really? Why's that?".

"Because I get to sit next to you and it's great.".

"Maybe this is my favourite lesson too." I winked back.

Almost everyday in science I was growing to become more and more comfortable with Dylan. It was more easier to talk to him and he was a great listener. He wasn't just an asshole who never batted an eyelash or spoke to you. Dylan was a great friend and amazing help if you needed any. He also had this really amazing laugh -one which I've mentioned before- but the best part about sitting beside him was the fact that whenever he made me laugh, I loved the fact his face lit up when he succeeded. Not to mention his sense of humour!

~~~ 2 months later ~~~

"We're changing seats again. Too much commotion." Mrs.Brightson exclaimed.

I sighed, then frowned. Dylan did the same. But then wiggled his eyebrows around, making me burst out with laughter.

The teacher sat me next to a girl named Amber -who was very quiet- it almost reminded me of the time Dylan and I were paired together. I've tried to talk to her countless times but have just been stared down coldly.

Dylan drags himself over to my desk.

"My new lab partner is too quiet and is way not as fun as you were." He frowns.

"Same...we were pretty great partners." I reply, smiling and tucking my hair behind my ear.

Dylan smiles widely.

"Well, that's why I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date on Friday?".

I was shocked.

The hottest boy in here just asked me on a date...and Friday was tomorrow! Oh hell yes.

"Oh my god yes!" I squeal, then look around and become embarrassed by my excitement "I mean, yeah sure." I whisper, winking.

"Awesome, I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow night." He winks, beginning to walk away but walks backwards into a chair and tumbles over.

"Smooth!" I shout, holding my hands over my mouth to make sure I didn't laugh to loud.

But that failed.

And it was Dylan's fault for falling over stupidly.

Oh, how I'm in love with an idiot.

My idiot.

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