Bowling - St

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The girls decided that bowling would be fun, just for a Friday night. We had nothing else to do otherwise.

"Y/N! Here you go, I got your size." Y/BF/N yells.

I look at her and smile, walking over to her and grabbing the bowling shoes.

I pass the man my normal shoes and strap up the bowling shoes, sighing to myself. He escorted up to our lane and we typed all our names up.

"Aright. My name is going to be hmu. Which means hit me up, just in case you didn't know Y/N." she giggles.

"And my name will be Sexy B." Bella said, clapping her hands.

"Are we even aloud those names, just use my own." I smile.

"No! You're being called Big Booty." Y/BF/N said loudly.

"Shut up!" I chuckled.

After a couple goes, another group come in and are on the one beside us. I take a swig of my drink.

"You're up." Bella shouts.

I stand up and go to take a bowling ball before a hand lands on it, I look up to be greeted by a man with glasses and a grey beanie.

"That's my ball." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" He says.

"Yeah, I'm bowling now." I furrow my brows.

He looks over at the board with all the names on.

"Well 'big booty' it's my go too, but maybe we can exchange.".

"What do you mean exchange?".

"Numbers." He smirks, biting his bottom lip.

"Fine, but all I want is my ball." I say, passing him my phone, he types in his number and passes me the phone and my ball.

"Yo! Y/N! What's taking so long?" Bella yells.

"Nothing, I'll be right over." I smile and put my phone in my back pocket, walking to the lake and bowling my ball, a strike!

Y/BF/N and Bella cheers, throwing their hands in the air.

And then some cheers from the other group.

"Wayy! Good going Stewie!" The whole group cheered, Stewie earning a pat on the back.

My phone buzzes as I take a seat down, the message read Stuart : please don't change my name to Stewie.

I chuckle and reply Y/N : it's too late.

Stewie : we should meet up more.

Y/N : take me away from my friends!

Stewie : no problem, lets go.

••• Stuart's P.O.V

"So where's your girlfriend? Huh Stewie?" Nick teases me.

"She'll be here in a minute." I answer, sighing.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Billy says.

"I'm surprised a dick like you has a girlfriend." Neha grumbles.

"Yeah, funny." I sigh.

"My mom said I can't have a girlfriend." Yo-yo says, absentmindedly.

"Your mom says a lot of things." Nick smiles.

And then I see her, Y/N, walking through the hallway.

She knocks on the door and then walks in, I stand up and walk to her putting a hand on her hip and kissing her cheek softly.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." I say, proudly.

" that bowling girl?" Billy asks.

Y/N nods her head and smiles.

"How do you put up with him." Neha said, her mouth agape.

"I don't, I just got used to his witty comments and sarcasm. Its easy when you live together." Y/N chuckles.

" guys live together?!" Nick asked.

"Yeah? What's so wrong with that?" I ask, pulling Y/N over to sit beside me.

She puts her bag next to her and crosses her legs, I wrap my arm around her and she leans a head on my shoulder.

"Wait. So how long have you been together?" Neha asks.

"Around two weeks after we met at bowling...we always went out together." Y/N says, messing my hair up through my beanie.

"You're lucky I love you." I chuckle, poking her softly in the ribs.

"So that's where you've been sneaking off to." Billy puts all the pieces together.

I nod my head, the rest of the group talk to Y/N about how pretty she is and how and when she decided wether to become my girlfriend. And I smiled at all the nice comments. It was felt good for everyone to get along, even for a little while.

Super sorry I haven't really updated and the chapter isn't that long but I'm in Wales with my family and an aunt I haven't saw in four years. And I've been really busy with meals and Christmas presents. Thank you for being patient ;))

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now