Chapter 1

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Luke was late. He was supposed to meet his band mates on the front of the NBC Studios 15 minutes ago, but being his first time in New York, it took him forever to figure out the subway. Ashton had texted him a few minutes ago, letting him know that they were going in without him, and that he was supposed to 'hurry the fuck up'.

This was a very big deal for them, they were asked to play on Saturday Night Live – one of the most important TV shows in America – at the end of the week, and had a sound check scheduled for today. Even though the show was a pretty big deal, they were more nervous about meeting the person who was going to host the show, Alaska Young.

Everyone in the entire world fell head over heals for Alaska Young; she was one of the uprising stars of Hollywood, but her fame was nothing compared to her beauty. She was gorgeous, more than that, even. No one could describe it. The boys had grown used to meeting celebrities, but no one like Alaska, she was different, she was a star.

Luke felt a lump on his throat when he thought about it, and began walking faster through the gates of the studio; he was practically running when he felt a sudden bump on his chest, stumbling backwards on the concrete floor.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" He heard a girls voice, he didn't even looked up, too focused on gathering all the papers that she was apparently holding and that were now scattered around the floor.

"No, it was my fault!" He said, handing her the papers. And that's when he saw her: the one and only Alaska Young, looking up at him. He couldn't even make up words in his head; it was like his brain had completely shut down. She gave him a small smile and he suddenly forgot how to breathe. She was so beautiful. Her green eyes were like two shining emeralds, her small nose covered in little freckles, her pink lips forming dimples when she smiled.

Alaska had been startled by the sudden bump; she looked up to find a blonde boy staring at her wide-eyed. Fuck, he must have recognized her. He was kind of cute, baby blue eyes and a lip ring. But since she didn't have the time to stop and chat or was even on the mood to flirt with him, she gave him a soft smile, watching as he looked at her the same way every other boy did.

"Thanks" she said, taking the papers he had on his hands and standing up. "Sorry again!" And, before he could think of something to say back, she was gone.

Luke sat there in the middle of the street, wide eyed, until he realized he was super late. He got up, brushing the dirt off of his black jeans and rushed towards the studio doors.

"Hey! There you are!" Calum smiled at the sight of him.

"Took you long enough!" Michael joked.

"Sorry, the subway is weird..." Luke said, looking down.

"Don't worry, you still got time!" A voice came from behind Luke.

They all turned around to see Bobby, one of the producers on the show, smiling at them. They introduced themselves and Bobby took them on a little tour backstage, showing their dressing room and the way they had to make to get to the stage.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" he said, leading them trough the hallway. "There's someone you guys need to meet!"

They all froze; they knew exactly who he was talking about.

And there she was, sitting on the edge of the main stage. Her long brunette hair fell over her shoulders, a few strands falling over her face as she leaned in, biting her lip while she carefully examined a bunch of papers, which Luke assumed was the script for Saturday's show.

"Boys, this is Alaska!" Bobby said, "Alaska, these are the 5 Seconds of Summer boys!"

Alaska turned her head and smiled at them, the same smile Luke had in the back of his mind since he bumped into her earlier that morning. Alaska recognized him from earlier, but decided not to say anything.

"Hi! Nice to meet you guys!" She said, standing up and walking towards them.

"Hey" They all said, nervously, almost in sync.

"It's so nice to meet you, you are awesome!" Ashton said, with a bright smile.

"Oh, thanks!" Alaska said, a bit timidly, rubbing her arm awkwardly. She found it funny how sudden that compliment was.

"We are your biggest fans!" Michael said, smiling – those boys clearly weren't shy. "I loved your part in Vagabonds."

"Oh no, don't tell me you are one of those who cried when Skylar died?" she asked sarcastically, making reference to one of her latest films, where the character she played died at the end.

"It was fucking sad!" Michael laughed, Luke remembered him crying like a girl in the movie theater, "their love was supposed to be eternal!"

"Well..." Alaska smirked, "nothing lasts forever, sweetheart..."

"Oh my God, Alaska Young just called me sweetheart, this is the best day ever!" Michael blushed, making Alaska giggle.

Alaska gave them a smile, than turned to Luke, who hadn't said anything out of nervousness. "Hey! Didn't I awkwardly bumped into you earlier in the parking lot?"

Luke nodded, not daring to look up at her. All heads turned to him, the boys couldn't believe he hadn't told them about it.

"Sorry again about that!" Alaska sighed, running her hand though her wavy hair. "I have this really bad habit of not looking where I'm going!"

For the first time, Luke looked up, receiving a smile from Alaska. He was just about to say something when someone called her name.

"Sorry guys, I have to go!" she said, picking up her things, "It was very nice meeting you! Good luck on sound check!" she said, giving them a wink and disappearing backstage.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now